Riordan, Colin, The Ethics of Narration: Uwe Johnson's Novels from Ingrid Babendererde to Jahrestage, Bithell Series of Dissertations, 14 (MHRA, 1989)

Webber, Andrew, Sexuality and the Sense of Self in the Works of Georg Trakl and Robert Musil, Bithell Series of Dissertations, 15 (MHRA, 1990)

Ogden, Mark, The Problem of Christ in the Work of Friedrich Hölderlin, Bithell Series of Dissertations, 16 (MHRA, 1991)

Haines, Brigid, Dialogue and Narrative Design in the Works of Adalbert Stifter, Bithell Series of Dissertations, 17 (MHRA, 1991)

Chinca, Mark, History, Fiction, Verisimilitude: Studies in the Poetics of Gottfried's 'Tristan', Bithell Series of Dissertations, 18 (MHRA, 1993)

Curran, Jane V., Horace's 'Epistles', Wieland and the Reader: A Three-Way Relationship, Bithell Series of Dissertations, 19 (MHRA, 1995)

Weber, Alexander, Günter Grass's Use of Baroque Literature, Bithell Series of Dissertations, 20 (MHRA, 1995)

Newman, L. M. (ed.), The Correspondence of Edward Gordon Craig and Count Harry Kessler, 1903-1937, Bithell Series of Dissertations, 21 (MHRA, 1995)

Nolte, Charlotte, Being and Meaning in Thomas Mann's Joseph Novels, Bithell Series of Dissertations, 22 (MHRA, 1996)

Beniston, Judith, Welttheater: Hofmannsthal, Richard von Kralik, and the Revival of Catholic Drama in Austria, 1890-1934, Bithell Series of Dissertations, 23 (MHRA, 1998)

Davies, Peter, Divided Loyalties: East German Writers and the Politics of German Division 1945-1953, Bithell Series of Dissertations, 24 (MHRA, 2000)

Burrows, Stephanie, Tucholsky and France, Bithell Series of Dissertations, 25 (MHRA, 2001)

Jeremiah, Emily, Troubling Maternity: Mothering, Agency, and Ethics in Women's Writing in German of the 1970s and 1980s, Bithell Series of Dissertations, 26 (MHRA, 2003)

Brown, Hilary, Benedikte Naubert (1765-1819) and her Relations to English Culture, Bithell Series of Dissertations, 27 (MHRA, 2005)

Symons, Morwenna, Room for Manoeuvre: The Role of Intertext in Elfriede Jelinek's Die Klavierspielerin, Günter Grass's Ein weites Feld, and Herta Müller's Niederungen and Reisende auf einem Bein, Bithell Series of Dissertations, 28 (MHRA, 2005)

Damrau, Peter, The Reception of English Puritan Literature in Germany, Bithell Series of Dissertations, 29 (MHRA, 2006)

Hughes, Jon, Facing Modernity: Fragmentation, Culture and Identity in Joseph Roth's Writing in the 1920s, Bithell Series of Dissertations, 30 (MHRA, 2006)

Tomko, Helena M., Sacramental Realism: Gertrud von le Fort and German Catholic Literature in the Weimar Republic and Third Reich (1924-46), Bithell Series of Dissertations, 31 (MHRA, 2007)

Schonfield, Ernest, Art and its Uses in Thomas Mann's Felix Krull, Bithell Series of Dissertations, 32 (MHRA, 2008)

Kellett, Rachel E., Single Combat and Warfare in German Literature of the High Middle Ages: Stricker's Karl der Grosse and Daniel von dem Blühenden Tal, Bithell Series of Dissertations, 33 (MHRA, 2008)

Beech, Timothy, Hamann's Prophetic Mission: A Genetic Study of Three Late Works against the Enlightenment, Bithell Series of Dissertations, 34 (MHRA, 2010)

Dutchman-Smith, Victoria, E. T. A. Hoffmann and Alcohol: Biography, Reception and Art, Bithell Series of Dissertations, 35 (MHRA, 2010)

Davies, Steffan, The Wallenstein Figure in German Literature and Historiography 1790-1920, Bithell Series of Dissertations, 36 (MHRA, 2010)

Schofield, Benedict, Private Lives and Collective Destinies: Class, Nation and the Folk in the Works of Gustav Freytag (1816-1895), Bithell Series of Dissertations, 37 (MHRA, 2012)

White, Michael James, Space in Theodor Fontane's Works: Theme and Poetic Function, Bithell Series of Dissertations, 38 (MHRA, 2012)

McMurtry, Áine, Crisis and Form in the Later Writing of Ingeborg Bachmann: An Aesthetic Examination of the Poetic Drafts of the 1960s, Bithell Series of Dissertations, 39 (MHRA, 2012)

Bowden, Sarah, Bridal-Quest Epics in Medieval Germany: A Revisionary Approach, Bithell Series of Dissertations, 40 (MHRA, 2012)

Smale, Catherine, Phantom Images: The Figure of the Ghost in the Work of Christa Wolf and Irina Liebmann, Bithell Series of Dissertations, 41 (MHRA, 2013)

Kord, Susanne (ed.), Letzte Chancen: Vier Einakter von Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, Critical Texts, 3 (MHRA, 2005)

Kord, Susanne (ed.), Macht des Weibes: Zwei historische Tragödien von Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, Critical Texts, 4 (MHRA, 2005)

Burns, Barbara (ed.), Phosphorus Hollunder und Der Posten der Frau von Louise von François, Critical Texts, 13 (MHRA, 2008)

Vigus, James (ed.), Henry Crabb Robinson, Essays on Kant, Schelling, and German Aesthetics, Critical Texts, 18 (MHRA, 2010)

Brown, Hilary (ed.), Luise Gottsched, Der Lockenraub/Alexander Pope, The Rape of the Lock, European Translations, 2 (MHRA, 2014)

Tully, Carol (ed.), Pedro Calderón de la Barca, La devoción de la Cruz/August Wilhelm Schlegel, Die Andacht zum Kreuze, European Translations, 3 (MHRA, 2012)

Burns, Barbara (ed.), Wilhelm Meinhold, 'The Amber Witch': Translated by Lady Duff Gordon, European Translations, 4 (MHRA, 2016)

Burns, Barbara (ed.), Bertha von Suttner, Lay Down Your Arms: The Autobiography of Martha von Tilling, European Translations, 5 (MHRA, 2019)

Glass, Derek (ed.), Goethe in English: A Bibliography of the Translations in the Twentieth Century, MHRA Bibliographies, 2 (MHRA, 2005)

Martin, Alison E., Erich Lehmann, and Michael Ritterson (trans.), Wilhelm Raabe, German Moonlight / Höxter and Corvey / At the Sign of the Wild Man, New Translations, 3 (MHRA, 2012)

Ritterson, Michael (trans.), Wilhelm Raabe, The Birdsong Papers, New Translations, 4 (MHRA, 2013)

Bridgham, Fred (trans.), Georg Kaiser, After Expressionism: Five Plays, New Translations, 11 (MHRA, 2016)

Stillmark, Alexander (trans.), Hugo von Hofmannsthal, An Impossible Man, New Translations, 12 (MHRA, 2016)

Lamport, F. J. (trans.), Goethe, The Natural Daughter; Schiller, The Bride of Messina, New Translations, 13 (MHRA, 2018)

Stillmark, Alexander (trans.), Hugo von Hofmannsthal, The Incorruptible Servant, New Translations, 17 (MHRA, 2021)

Bridgham, Fred (trans.), Carl Sternheim, The Beginning of the Twentieth Century: A Chronicle, New Translations, 22 (MHRA, 2024)

Ross, D. J. A., Illustrated Medieval Alexander-Books in Germany and the Netherlands, Publications of the Modern Humanities Research Association, 3 (MHRA, 1971)

Stopp, Frederick John, The Emblems of the Altdorf Academy: Medals and Medal Orations 1577-1626, Publications of the Modern Humanities Research Association, 6 (MHRA, 1974)

Rogers, Terence John, Techniques of Solipsism: A Study of Theodor Storm’s Narrative Fiction, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 1 (MHRA, 1970)

Wells, D. A., The Vorau 'Moses' and 'Balaam': A Study of Their Relationship to Exegetical Tradition, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 2 (MHRA, 1970)

Nisbet, H. B., Herder and the Philosophy and History of Science, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 3 (MHRA, 1970)

Subiotto, Arrigo, Bertolt Brecht's Adaptations for the Berliner Ensemble, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 8 (MHRA, 1975)

Simpson, James, Matthew Arnold and Goethe, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 11 (MHRA, 1979)

Constantine, David J., The Significance of Locality in the Poetry of Friedrich Hölderlin, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 12 (MHRA, 1979)

James, Dorothy, Georg Büchner's 'Dantons Tod': A Reappraisal, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 16 (MHRA, 1982)

Silva, M. Helena Gonçalves da, Character, Ideology, and Symbolism in the Plays of Wedekind, Sternheim, Kaiser, Toller, and Brecht, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 21 (MHRA, 1985)

Crowther, Louise, Diderot and Lessing as Exemplars of a Post-Spinozist Mentality, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 78 (MHRA, 2010)

Fuller, Amy, Between Two Worlds: The autos sacramentales of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 100 (MHRA, 2015)