Cori, Paola, Forms of Thinking in Leopardi’s Zibaldone: Religion, Science and Everyday Life in an Age of Disenchantment, Italian Perspectives, 43 (Legenda, 2019)

Jossa, Stefano, and Giuliana Pieri (eds), Chivalry, Academy, and Cultural Dialogues: The Italian Contribution to European Culture, Italian Perspectives, 37 (Legenda, 2016)

Pavlova, Maria, Saracens and their World in Boiardo and Ariosto, Italian Perspectives, 47 (Legenda, 2020)

Bru, Sascha, Luca Somigli, and Bart Van den Bossche (eds), Futurism: A Microhistory, Italian Perspectives, 36 (Legenda, 2017)