Murphy, Katharine, Bodies of Disorder: Gender and Degeneration in Baroja and Blasco Ibáñez, Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures, 26 (Legenda, 2017)

Roberts, Nicholas, Cortázar and Music, Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures, 25 (Legenda, 2019)

Kendrick, Anna Kathryn, Humanizing Childhood in Early Twentieth-Century Spain, Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures, 30 (Legenda, 2020)

O’Dwyer, Manus, Memory and Utopia: The Poetry of José Ángel Valente, Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures, 44 (Legenda, 2020)

Rødtjer, Rocío, Women and Nationhood in Restoration Spain 1874-1931: The State as Family, Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures, 34 (Legenda, 2019)