LGS 2016Jacob BoasWriters' Block
RMFS 432016Katherine ShinglerThe French Art Novel 1900-1930
RMFS 462016Hannah ScottBroken Glass, Broken World
RMFS 472016Damien MooneySouthern Regional French
RMFS 522016Ewa SzypulaBalzac's Love Letters
GL 132017Mads BunchIsak Dinesen Reading Søren Kierkegaard
GL 152017Richard DoveForeign Parts
LGS 2017Philippa LewisIntimacy and Distance
SICL 432017Robert K. WeningerSublime Conclusions
SHLC 262017Katharine MurphyBodies of Disorder
LGS 2018Andrea GullottaIntellectual Life and Literature at Solovki 1923-1930
GL 162018Thomas C. ConnollyPaul Celan’s Unfinished Poetics
LGS 2018Kate ReesThe Journalist in the French Fin-de-siècle Novel
SICL 362018Michael CharlesworthThe Modern Culture of Reginald Farrer
RMFS 542018Sam BootleLaforgue, Philosophy, and Ideas of Otherness
GL 172018Anthony GrenvilleEncounters with Albion
MI 72018Patrick ffrenchThinking Cinema with Proust
SICL 412018Clementina OstiUtopian Identities
LGS 2018Claire WhiteheadThe Poetics of Early Russian Crime Fiction 1860-1917
LGS 2018L. M. KilbrideSwinburne’s Style
IP 402018Enza De FrancisciA 'New' Woman in Verga and Pirandello
SHLC 342019Rocío RødtjerWomen and Nationhood in Restoration Spain 1874-1931
SICL 472019Olga G. VoroninaDepicting the Divine
SICL 272019Joep LeerssenComparative Literature in Britain
T 122019Julia Caterina HartleyReading Dante and Proust by Analogy