Books Recently Reviewed in MHRA Journals

Reviews published in January to March 2017

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MHRA journals have been reviewing new additions to the scholarly literature since 1905. This page lists the reviews published by us in the quarter January to March 2017, alphabetized by the first-named author or editor of the book being reviewed.

Aliaga, Cristian, and Ben Bollig, The Foreign Passion/La pasión extranjera: reviewed by Fruela Fernández in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Alighieri, Dante, Marco Santagata, Gianfranco Fioravanti, Claudio Giunta, Diego Quaglioni, Claudia Villa, and Gabriella Albanese, Opere: reviewed by Marta Celati in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Arens, Katherine, Vienna's Dreams of Europe: Culture and Identity beyond the Nation-State: reviewed by Anthony Bushell in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Arens, Katherine, Vienna’s Dreams of Europe. Culture and Identity Beyond the Nation-State: reviewed by Katya Krylova in Jews, Jewish Difference and Austrian Culture

Bacher, Dieter, and Stefan Karner, Zwangsarbeiter in Österreich 1939–1945 und ihr Nachkriegsschicksal: reviewed by Matthew Stibbe in Jews, Jewish Difference and Austrian Culture

Baker, Pascale, Revolutionaries, Rebels and Robbers: The Golden Age of Banditry in Mexico, Latin America and the Chicano American Southwest, 1850-1950: reviewed by Rebecca Jarman in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Bakich, Olga, Valerii Pereleshin: Life of a Silkworm: reviewed by Muireann Maguire in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Bassett, Richard, For God and Kaiser. The Imperial Austrian Army from 1619 to 1918: reviewed by Andrew Barker in Jews, Jewish Difference and Austrian Culture

Baur, Uwe, and Karin Gradwohl-Schlacher, Literatur in Österreich 1938–1945. Handbuch eines literarischen Systems. Band 3: Oberösterreich: reviewed by Werner Garstenauer in Jews, Jewish Difference and Austrian Culture

Beecher, Donald, Travis DeCook, Andrew Wallace, and Grant Williams, Taking Exception to the Law: Materializing Injustice in Early Modern English Literature: reviewed by Laetitia Sansonetti in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Bernard, Stephen, The Literary Correspondences of the Tonsons: reviewed by Meaghan J. Brown in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Blakesley, Jacob S. D., Modern Italian Poets: Translators of the Impossible: reviewed by Nicola Gardini in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Boudreau, Douglas L., and Marnie M. Sullivan, Ecocritical Approaches to Literature in French: reviewed by Daniel A. Finch-Race in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Brannigan, John, Archipelagic Modernism: Literature in the Irish and British Isles, 1890-1970: reviewed by Paul Poplawski in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Bretonne, Nicolas-Edme Rétif De La, and Mary S. Trouille, Ingénue Saxancour ou La Femme séparée: reviewed by Gemma Tidman in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Brevik-Zender, Heidi, Fashioning Spaces: Mode and Modernity in Late-Nineteenth-Century Paris: reviewed by Claire Moran in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Burgess, Glyn S., and Leslie C. Brook, The Anglo-Norman Lay of ‘Haveloc’: Text and Translation: reviewed by Anne Berthelot in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Carew, Richard, and Rocío G. Sumillera, The Examination of Men's Wits: reviewed by Andrew Breeze in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Cecire, Maria Sachiko, Hannah Field, Kavita Mudan Finn, and Malini Roy, Space and Place in Children's Literature, 1789 to the Present: reviewed by Jessica Medhurst in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Donato, Clorinda, and Ricardo López, Enlightenment Spain and the ‘Encyclopédie méthodique’: reviewed by Leticia Villamediana González in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Donovan, Leslie A., Approaches to Teaching Tolkien's ‘The Lord of the Rings’ and Other Works: reviewed by Samuel Rogers in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Edwards, Maurice, Christian Dietrich Grabbe: His Life and his Works: reviewed by Ritchie Robertson in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Fetz, Bernhard, Das Literaturmuseum. 101 Objekte und Geschichten: reviewed by Dora Osborne in Jews, Jewish Difference and Austrian Culture

Herwig, Holger H., The First World War. Germany and Austria-Hungary 1914–1918: reviewed by Tim Kirk in Jews, Jewish Difference and Austrian Culture

Hofeneder, Veronika, Der produktive Kosmos der Gina Kaus: Schriftstellerin — Pädagogin — Revolutionärin: reviewed by Charlotte Woodford in Jews, Jewish Difference and Austrian Culture

Innerhofer, Roland, and Daniela Strigl, Sonderweg in Schwarzgelb? Auf der Suche nach einem österreichischen Naturalismus in der Literatur: reviewed by Ritchie Robertson in Jews, Jewish Difference and Austrian Culture

Jaffe-Berg, Erith, Commedia dell'arte and the Mediterranean: Charting Journeys and Mapping ‘Others’: reviewed by Richard Andrews in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Johnson, Laurie Ruth, Forgotten Dreams: Revisiting Romanticism in the Cinema of Werner Herzog: reviewed by Martin Brady in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Joseph, Margaret Paul, Jasmine on a String: A Survey of Women Writing English Fiction in India: reviewed by Ralph Crane in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Judson, Pieter M., The Habsburg Empire: A New History: reviewed by Mark Cornwall in Jews, Jewish Difference and Austrian Culture

Kersten, Joachim, and Friedrich Pfäfflin, Detlev von Liliencron entdeckt, gefeiert und gelesen von Karl Kraus: reviewed by Gilbert Carr in Jews, Jewish Difference and Austrian Culture

Lacheny, Marc, Littérature ‘d’en haut’, littérature ‘d’en bas’? La dramaturgie canonique allemande et le théâtre populaire viennois de Stranitzky à Nestroy: reviewed by W. E. Yates in Jews, Jewish Difference and Austrian Culture

Lajarrige, Jacques, Soma Morgenstern — Von Galizien ins amerikanische Exil. Soma Morgenstern — De la Galicie à l’éxil américain: reviewed by Franka Marquardt in Jews, Jewish Difference and Austrian Culture

Looser, Devoney, The Cambridge Companion to Women's Writing in the Romantic Period: reviewed by Katie Halsey in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Lynch, Helen, Milton and the Politics of Public Speech: reviewed by Estelle Haan in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Mansfield, Katherine, and Anna Plumridge, The Urewera Notebook: reviewed by Kirsty Martin in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Marshall, Melanie L., Linda L. Carroll, and Katherine A. McIver, Sexualities, Textualities, Art and Music in Early Modern Italy: Playing with Boundaries: reviewed by Maya Corry in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

May, Brian T., Extravagant Postcolonialism: Modernism and Modernity in Anglophone Fiction 1958–1988: reviewed by Jenni Ramone in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Monbron, Louis-Charles Fougeret de, and Édouard Langille, Margot la ravaudeuse: reviewed by Derek Connon in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Naqvi, Fatima, How We Learn Where We Live: Thomas Bernhard, Architecture, and Bildung: reviewed by Roland Innerhofer in Jews, Jewish Difference and Austrian Culture

Nekula, Marek, Robert Russell, and Carly McLaughlin, Franz Kafka and his Prague Contexts: Studies in Language and Literature: reviewed by Ritchie Robertson in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

O'Ryan, Mariana Casale, The Making of Jorge Luis Borges as an Argentine Cultural Icon: reviewed by John N. King in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Orringer, Nelson R., Lorca in Tune with Falla: Literary and Musical Interludes: reviewed by Samuel Llano in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Orvis, David L., and Ryan Singh Paul, The Noble Flame of Katherine Philips: A Poetics of Culture, Politics, and Friendship: reviewed by Bronwen Price in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Pesnel, Stéphane, Erika Tunner, Heinz Lunzer, and Victoria Lunzer-Talos, Joseph Roth — Städtebilder. Zur Poetik, Philologie und Interpretation von Stadtdar- stellungen aus den 1920er und 1930er Jahren: reviewed by Deborah Holmes in Jews, Jewish Difference and Austrian Culture

Preece, Julian, Ilija Trojanow: reviewed by Sandra Vlasta in Jews, Jewish Difference and Austrian Culture

Raser, Timothy, Baudelaire and Photography: Finding the Painter of Modern Life: reviewed by Marit Grøtta in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Reed, T. J., Light in Germany: Scenes from an Unknown Enlightenment: reviewed by Thomas Martinec in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Robertson, Ritchie, and Michael White, Fontane and Cultural Mediation: Translation and Reception in Nineteenth-Century German Literature. Essays in Honour of Helen Chambers: reviewed by John Osborne in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Sachers, Regina, Goethe's Poetry and the Philosophy of Nature: Gott und Welt 1798–1827: reviewed by Osman Durrani in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Scott, Alison V., Literature and the Idea of Luxury in Early Modern England: reviewed by Anne-Marie Miller-Blaise in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Soranzo, Matteo, Poetry and Identity in Quattrocento Naples: reviewed by Carlo Caruso in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Stafford, Andy, Roland Barthes: reviewed by Neil Badmington in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Stelzl-Marx, Barbara, and Silke Satjukow, Besatzungskinder. Die Nachkommen alliierter Soldaten in Österreich und Deutschland: reviewed by Julia Vossen in Jews, Jewish Difference and Austrian Culture

Tambling, Jeremy, Dickens' Novels as Poetry: Allegory and Literature of the City: reviewed by Hannah Lewis-Bill in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Thaventhiran, Helen, Radical Empiricists: Five Modernist Close Readers: reviewed by Samuel Rogers in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Tholen, Toni, Männlichkeiten in der Literatur. Konzepte und Praktiken zwischen Wandel und Beharrung: reviewed by Arnhilt Johanna Hoefle in Jews, Jewish Difference and Austrian Culture

Timms, Edward, Dynamik der Kreise, Resonanz der Räume. Die schöpferischen Impulse der Wiener Moderne: reviewed by Gilbert Carr in Jews, Jewish Difference and Austrian Culture

Tortora, Christina, A Comparative Grammar of Borgomanerese: reviewed by Sandra Paoli in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Valisa, Silvia, Gender, Narrative, and Dissonance in the Modern Italian Novel: reviewed by Maria Morelli in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Valladares, Susan, Staging the Peninsular War: English Theatres 1807–1815: reviewed by Philip Major in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Vinken, Barbara, Aarnoud Rommens, and Susan L. Solomon, Flaubert Postsecular: Modernity Crossed Out: reviewed by Stephen Goddard in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Vortisch, Verena, An der Grenze des Poesielands: Arthur Schnitzlers Komödie ‘Fink und Fliederbusch’: reviewed by Marie Kolkenbrock in Jews, Jewish Difference and Austrian Culture

Wasserman, Janek, Black Vienna. The Radical Right in the Red City, 1918–1938: reviewed by John Warren in Jews, Jewish Difference and Austrian Culture

Waters, Claire M., Translating ‘Clergie’: Status, Education, and Salvation in Thirteenth-Century Vernacular Texts: reviewed by Robert A. Taylor in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Wehling-Giorgi, Katrin, Gadda and Beckett: Storytelling, Subjectivity and Fracture: reviewed by Olivia Santovetti in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Weld, Sara Pankenier, Voiceless Vanguard: The Infantilist Aesthetic of the Russian Avant-Garde: reviewed by James Rann in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Wright, Sarah, The Child in Spanish Cinema: reviewed by Sarah Thomas in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)

Ziolkowski, Jan M., Dante and Islam: reviewed by Heather Webb in MLR 112.1 (text at JSTOR)