Edited, and translated by D. Enright-Clark Shoukri. 1974. Liber Apologeticus de Omni Statu Humanae Naturae: A Defence of Human Nature in Every State (c. 1460): A Moral Play by Thomas Chaundler, Publications of the Modern Humanities Research Association, 5 (MHRA)

Wind, Edgar. 2001. Experiment and Metaphysics: Towards a Resolution of the Cosmological Antinomies (Legenda)

Czerniawski, Adam, and with an introduction by Donald Davie (trans.). 2001. Treny: The Laments of Kochanowski, Studies In Comparative Literature, 6 (Legenda)

Brooks, P. J. Yarrow with the collaboration of William (trans.). 2010. Memoirs of Mademoiselle de Montpensier (La Grande Mademoiselle), New Translations, 1 (MHRA)

Cropp, Glynnis M. (ed.). 2011. Böece de Confort remanié: Edition critique, European Translations, 1 (MHRA)

Barne, William (trans.). 2011. Flesh, by Júlio Ribeiro, New Translations, 2 (MHRA)

Schwyzer, Philip (ed.). 2011. Humphrey Llwyd, The Breviary of Britain with selections from The History of Cambria, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 5 (MHRA)

Kendal, Gordon (ed.). 2011. Gavin Douglas, The Aeneid (1513): Part One: Introduction, Books I-VIII, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 7 (MHRA)

Kendal, Gordon (ed.). 2011. Gavin Douglas, The Aeneid (1513): Part Two: Books IX – XIII, Appendices, Glossary, Index, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 7 (MHRA)

Martin, Alison E., Erich Lehmann, and Michael Ritterson (trans.). 2012. Wilhelm Raabe, German Moonlight / Höxter and Corvey / At the Sign of the Wild Man, New Translations, 3 (MHRA)

Ker, James, and Jessica Winston (eds). 2012. Elizabethan Seneca: Three Tragedies, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 8 (MHRA)

Tully, Carol (ed.). 2012. Pedro Calderón de la Barca, La devoción de la Cruz/August Wilhelm Schlegel, Die Andacht zum Kreuze, European Translations, 3 (MHRA)

Kendal, Neil Rhodes with Gordon, and Louise Wilson (eds). 2013. English Renaissance Translation Theory, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 9 (MHRA)

Ritterson, Michael (trans.). 2013. Wilhelm Raabe, The Birdsong Papers, New Translations, 4 (MHRA)

Brown, Sarah Annes, and Andrew Taylor (eds). 2013. Ovid in English, 1480-1625: Part One: Metamorphoses, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 4 (MHRA)

Fernández, José María Pérez (ed.). 2013. James Mabbe, The Spanish Bawd, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 10 (MHRA)

Boro, Joyce (ed.). 2014. Margaret Tyler, Mirror of Princely Deeds and Knighthood, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 11 (MHRA)

Sumillera, Rocío G. (ed.). 2014. Richard Carew, The Examination of Men's Wits, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 17 (MHRA)

Brown, Hilary (ed.). 2014. Luise Gottsched, Der Lockenraub/Alexander Pope, The Rape of the Lock, European Translations, 2 (MHRA)

Alfie, Fabian (trans.). 2014. Rustico Filippi, The Art of Insult, New Translations, 5 (MHRA)

Langille, Édouard (trans.). 2015. Fougeret de Monbron, Margot la ravaudeuse, New Translations, 8 (MHRA)

Demers, Patricia (ed.). 2016. An Apology or Answer in Defence of The Church Of England: Lady Anne Bacon's Translation of Bishop John Jewel's Apologia Ecclesiae Anglicanae, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 22 (MHRA)

Burns, Barbara (ed.). 2016. Wilhelm Meinhold, 'The Amber Witch': Translated by Lady Duff Gordon, European Translations, 4 (MHRA)

Bridgham, Fred (trans.). 2016. Georg Kaiser, After Expressionism: Five Plays, New Translations, 11 (MHRA)

Stillmark, Alexander (trans.). 2016. Hugo von Hofmannsthal, An Impossible Man, New Translations, 12 (MHRA)

Kendal, Gordon (ed.). 2016. George Chapman: Homer's Odyssey, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 21 (MHRA)

Wheeler, Duncan, with an introduction by Diana Holmes, Duncan Wheeler, and a prologue by Mario Vargas Llosa (trans.). 2016. Corín Tellado, Thursdays with Leila, New Translations, 9 (MHRA)

Blake, Liza, and Kathryn Vomero Santos (eds). 2017. Arthur Golding’s A Moral Fabletalk and Other Renaissance Fable Translations, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 12 (MHRA)

Trouille, Mary S. (trans.). 2017. Rétif de la Bretonne, Ingénue Saxancour; or, The Wife Separated from Her Husband, New Translations, 6 (MHRA)

Belle, Marie-Alice, and Line Cottegnies (eds). 2017. Robert Garnier in Elizabethan England: Mary Sidney Herbert’s Antonius and Thomas Kyd’s Cornelia, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 16 (MHRA)

Miola, Robert S. (ed.). 2017. George Chapman: Homer's Iliad, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 20 (MHRA)

Lamport, F. J. (trans.). 2018. Goethe, The Natural Daughter; Schiller, The Bride of Messina, New Translations, 13 (MHRA)

Barker, Joanna M. (trans.). 2018. In Defence of Women, New Translations, 14 (MHRA)

Atkinson, Glynnis M. Cropp in association with John Keith (ed.). 2018. Un Dit moral contre Fortune: A critical edition of MS Paris, BnF, fr. 25 418, European Translations, 6 (MHRA)

Carlson, David (ed.). 2018. Thomas Elyot, The Image of Governance and Other Dialogues of Counsel (1533–1541), Tudor and Stuart Translations, 24 (MHRA)

Burns, Barbara (ed.). 2019. Bertha von Suttner, Lay Down Your Arms: The Autobiography of Martha von Tilling, European Translations, 5 (MHRA)

Grogan, Jane (ed.). 2020. William Barker, Xenophon's 'Cyropædia', Tudor and Stuart Translations, 13 (MHRA)

Petrina, Alessandra (ed.). 2020. Petrarch's Triumphi in English, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 27 (MHRA)

Buckley, Emma, and Edward Paleit (eds). 2020. Thomas May, Lucan's Pharsalia (1627), Tudor and Stuart Translations, 18 (MHRA)

Schurink, Fred (ed.). 2020. Plutarch in English, 1528–1603: Volume 1: Essays, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 2 (MHRA)

Schurink, Fred (ed.). 2020. Plutarch in English, 1528–1603: Volume 2: Lives, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 2 (MHRA)

Stillmark, Alexander (trans.). 2021. Hugo von Hofmannsthal, The Incorruptible Servant, New Translations, 17 (MHRA)

Translated, edited by Christopher Colbath, and Luis M. González. 2022. Ramón María del Valle Inclán, Savage Comedies, New Translations, 15 (MHRA)

Davis, Alex, Gordon Kendal, and Neil Rhodes (eds). 2023. Erasmus in English 1523-1584, Volume I: The Manual of the Christian Soldier and Other Writings, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 26 (MHRA)

Davis, Alex, Gordon Kendal, and Neil Rhodes (eds). 2023. Erasmus in English 1523-1584, Volume II: The Praise of Folly and Other Writings, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 26 (MHRA)

Connon, Derek (trans.). 2023. Le Philosophe sans le savoir, by Michel-Jean Sedaine, New Translations, 19 (MHRA)

Demers, Patricia (ed.). 2023. Anne Cooke’s Englishing of Bernardino Ochino, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 30 (MHRA)

Morini, Massimiliano (ed.). 2024. The First English Pastor Fido, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 28 (MHRA)