Prawer, S. S.. 1997. Breeches and Metaphysics: Thackeray's German Discourse, Studies In Comparative Literature, 1 (Legenda)

Bridgwater, Patrick. 1999. Anglo-German Interactions in the Literature of the 1890s (Legenda)

Renton, Linda. 2002. Pinter and the Object of Desire: An Approach through the Screenplays (Legenda)

Scott, Clive. 2002. Channel Crossings: French and English Poetry in Dialogue 1550-2000 (Legenda)

Laing, Kathryn (ed.). 2002. The Sentinel: An Incomplete Early Novel by Rebecca West (Legenda)

Weller, Shane. 2005. A Taste for the Negative: Beckett and Nihilism (Legenda)

Correa, Delia da Sousa (ed.). 2006. Phrase and Subject: Studies in Literature and Music (Legenda)

Poole, William, and Richard Scholar (eds). 2007. Thinking with Shakespeare: Comparative and Interdisciplinary Essays (Legenda)

Olszewska, Kinga. 2007. Wanderers Across Language: Exile in Irish and Polish Literature of the Twentieth Century, Studies In Comparative Literature, 12 (Legenda)

Beer, Gillian, Malcolm Bowie, and Beate Perrey (eds). 2007. In(ter)discipline: New Languages for Criticism (Legenda)

Tribout-Joseph, Sarah. 2008. Proust and Joyce in Dialogue (Legenda)

Cooper, Ian. 2008. The Near and Distant God: Poetry, Idealism and Religious Thought from Hölderlin to Eliot (Legenda)

Duffell, Martin J.. 2008. A New History of English Metre, Studies In Linguistics, 5 (Legenda)

Dickinson, Rachel (ed.). 2008. John Ruskin's Correspondence with Joan Severn: Sense and Nonsense Letters (Legenda)

Kite, Stephen. 2008. Adrian Stokes: An Architectonic Eye (Legenda)

Ardila, J. A. G. (ed.). 2008. The Cervantean Heritage: Reception and Influence of Cervantes in Britain (Legenda)

Wrenn, Angus. 2008. Henry James and the Second Empire, Studies In Comparative Literature, 14 (Legenda)

Vigus, James. 2008. Platonic Coleridge, Studies In Comparative Literature, 15 (Legenda)

Prawer, S. S.. 2009. A Cultural Citizen of the World: Sigmund Freud's Knowledge and Use of British and American Writings (Legenda)

Venegas, José Luis. 2010. Decolonizing Modernism: James Joyce and the Development of Spanish American Fiction (Legenda)

Medcalf, Stephen, edited by Brian Cummings, and Gabriel Josipovici. 2010. The Spirit of England: Selected Essays of Stephen Medcalf (Legenda)

Whiteley, Giles. 2010. Aestheticism and the Philosophy of Death: Walter Pater and Post-Hegelianism, Studies In Comparative Literature, 20 (Legenda)

Chao, Shun-Liang. 2010. Rethinking the Concept of the Grotesque: Crashaw, Baudelaire, Magritte, Studies In Comparative Literature, 22 (Legenda)

Finer, Emily. 2010. Turning into Sterne: Viktor Shklovskii and Literary Reception, Studies In Comparative Literature, 18 (Legenda)

McNeill, Patricia Silva. 2010. Yeats and Pessoa: Parallel Poetic Styles, Studies In Comparative Literature, 19 (Legenda)