In Defence of Women
Translated by Joanna M. Barker
New Translations 1413 August 2018

  • ‘With this edition, Barker provides a detailed account of an intellectual debate in eighteenth-century Spain that holds great relevance for contemporary scholarship in women's studies, European history and literary studies, among other fields.’ — Leslie J. Harkema, Bulletin of Spanish Studies 96, 2019, 1715-16

Luise Gottsched, Der Lockenraub/Alexander Pope, The Rape of the Lock
Edited by Hilary Brown
European Translations 21 September 2014

  • ‘Her edition also shows the way forward for Translation Studies by returning to a detailed comparison of a translation with the original source text.’ — John Guthrie, Modern Language Review 111, 2016, 578 (full text online)

Le Philosophe sans le savoir, by Michel-Jean Sedaine
Translated by Derek Connon 
New Translations 1926 June 2023

Fougeret de Monbron, Margot la ravaudeuse
Translated by Édouard Langille
New Translations 83 August 2015

  • ‘Langille’s edition offers much to satisfy a scholarly readership: his Introduction provides a detailed account of the life and works of Fougeret de Monbron, includes an exhaustive bibliography, and perfectly succeeds in situating the novel within the broader context of European literature, with a special focus on Britain.’ — Ruggiero Sciuto, French Studies 70.4, October 2016, 599-600
  • ‘A valuable addition to the New Translations series, making available to a wider public an interesting and unusual text.’ — Derek Connon, Modern Language Review 112.1, January 2017, 251-52 (full text online)
  • ‘Les traductions anglaises de la littérature libertine du xviiie siècle français se sont enrichies d’un nouvel ouvrage: Margot la ravaudeuse de Fougeret de Monbron. L’heureuse initiative provient d’Édouard Langille qui, avec son introduction et ses notes explicatives, remet à portée de tout lecteur anglophone la verve de Monbron... La richesse et la qualité des notes en fin d’ouvrage sont remarquables. Langille ne laisse aucun nom propre ou expression complexe lui échapper. Tout est expliqué en abondance ce qui fait de cette version anglaise de Margot la ravaudeuse une lecture attrayante pour un lecteur bilingue.’ — Jacqueline Chammas, Eighteenth-Century Fiction 29.4, 2017, 694-97