Connon, Derek (ed.), Alexis Piron, Gustave-Wasa, Critical Texts, 57 (MHRA, 2016)

Wheeler, Duncan, with an introduction by Diana Holmes, Duncan Wheeler, and a prologue by Mario Vargas Llosa (trans.), Corín Tellado, Thursdays with Leila, New Translations, 9 (MHRA, 2016)

Perazzolo, Paola (ed.), Gabriel-Marie Legouvé, La Mort d'Abel, Critical Texts, 61 (MHRA, 2016)

Stillmark, Alexander (trans.), Hugo von Hofmannsthal, An Impossible Man, New Translations, 12 (MHRA, 2016)

Cropp, Glynnis M. (ed.), La Voie de Povreté et de Richesse, Critical Texts, 51 (MHRA, 2016)