Published August 2018

Un Dit moral contre Fortune: A critical edition of MS Paris, BnF, fr. 25 418
Edited by Glynnis M. Cropp in association with John Keith Atkinson
European Translations 6

  • ‘Une bonne contribution à une meilleure connaissance de la diffusion des traductions françaises de la Consolation de Boèce.’ — Gilles Roques, Revue de Linguistique Romane 83.1, janvier-juin 2019, 278-83
  • ‘This edition by Glynnis M. Cropp and John Keith Atkinson of Un dit moral contre Fortune, BnF, MS fr. 25418, is an important addition to the study of the medieval French versions of Boethius’s most popular work.’ — Tracy Adams, French Studies 74.1, January 2020, 106-07 (full text online)
  • ‘In the long and complex history of the Consolatio Philosophiae's transmission and interpretation, Cropp and Atkinson's volume presents a 'last link in a chain of translations' and is thus an important and necessary addition to studies in the field.’ — Jenny Davis Barrett, Parergon 37.2, 2020, 200-01

Published May 2016

La Voie de Povreté et de Richesse
Edited by Glynnis M. Cropp
Critical Texts 51

  • ‘As Glynnis Cropp notes in her foreword, while historians have made reference to La Voie de Povreté et de Richesse, a vernacular fourteenth-century dream-vision poem, the text itself has never received a critical edition. That omission has now been impressively rectified... this is an impressive and accessible edition, justifying why La Voie de Povreté et de Richesse deserves recognition in its own right.’ — Bridget Riley, Modern Language Review 116.2, April 2017, 506 (full text online)
  • ‘L’edizione di Cropp... ha il merito incontestabile di far progredire in maniera sostanziale la nostra conoscenza di un testo e di una tradizione no ad oggi completamente trascurati. Il testo critico è stabilito con criteri chiari e le scelte operate sono controllabili. Si tratta di un lavoro di grande peso e impegno, che offre delle basi di partenza solide a chi vorrà approfondirne la complessa situazione testuale della Voie de la Pouvreté et de la Richesse.’ — Maria Teresa Rachetta, Revue de Linguistique Romane 82.325-26, January-June 2018, 278-81
  • ‘This slim but attractively produced volume is part of the enormously useful MHRA Critical Texts series... The volume contains a useful introduction followed by the edited text based on MS Paris, BnF, fr. 1563, fols 203r–221r. An index of proper names, a glossary, and a thorough bibliography are compiled with that meticulous attention to detail we are accustomed to nd in Cropp’s work... An invaluable edition.’ — Anne M. Scott, Parergon 36.1, 2019, 238-39

Published April 2015

Alfonso X the Learned, Cantigas de Santa Maria
Edited by Stephen Parkinson
Critical Texts 40

  • ‘A new scholarly anthology with a balanced selection of songs—fresh, complete and competent—is welcome and overdue. Moreover, this preliminary view, in hard copy, of the promised full edition offers extraordinary value for the price.’ — Martha E. Schaffer, Bulletin of Spanish Studies 94, 2017, 1222-23
  • ‘Le scelte editoriali di P. appaiono nel complesso ade guate e contribuiscono a fornire un testo valido, che riesce nell’intento di rivolgersi con profitto sia al pubblico non specialistico, sia, grazie alla scrupolosità dell’analisi metrica e alla completezza degli apparati, a studenti universitari o a specialisti della letteratura romanza e galego-portoghese.’ — Simone Marcenaro, Medioevo Romanzo XLII.2, 2018, 466-69

Published November 2014

Rustico Filippi, The Art of Insult
Translated by Fabian Alfie
New Translations 5

Published September 2014

A Selection of Early Welsh Saga Poems
Edited by Jenny Rowland
MHRA Library of Medieval Welsh Literature 3

  • A Selection of Early Welsh Saga Poems is a timely introduction to this fascinating genre, and is recommended reading for all beginning and advanced students of early Welsh poetry.’ — Alderik H. Blum, Modern Language Review 111.4, October 2016, 1132-33 (full text online)

Published October 2013

Frontier Memory: Cultural Conflict and Exchange in the Romancero fronterizo
Sizen Yiacoup
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 87

Published October 2012

Historical Texts from Medieval Wales
Edited by Patricia Williams
MHRA Library of Medieval Welsh Literature 2

  • ‘A very useful volume both in itself and in broadening the range of the series.’ — Paul Russell, Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 66, 2013, 94-95
  • ‘Williams has given us an excellent resource for the study of medieval Welsh history and of Middle Welsh as a language of record, and her book deserves to be taken seriously by specialists and non-specialists alike.’ — Helen Fulton, Modern Language Review 110, 2015, 234-35 (full text online)

Published May 2012

Bridal-Quest Epics in Medieval Germany: A Revisionary Approach
Sarah Bowden
Bithell Series of Dissertations 40 / MHRA Texts and Dissertations 85

  • ‘Bowden’s style is clear, lively, and elegant. As well as making a definitive statement, this book also offers insightful interpretations that are likely to make the texts in question more accessible and appealing to students.’ — Annette Volfing, Modern Language Review 109, 2014, 534-35 (full text online)

Published March 2012

Early Welsh Gnomic and Nature Poetry
Edited by Nicolas Jacobs
MHRA Library of Medieval Welsh Literature 1

  • ‘La simplicité des textes fait de ce livre une excellente introduction au gallois ancien.’ — Pierre-Yves Lambert, Etudes celtiques XXXIX, 2013, 330
  • ‘Nicolas Jacobs hat sehr gute Arbeit geleistet; sein Buch wird für lange Zeit die Standardedition dieser notorisch dunklen und schwierigen, aber vielleicht gerade eben deshalb so anziehenden Verse bleiben und darüber hinaus als mustergültiganerkannt sein. — Y gwaith a ganmol ei weithiwr!’ — Stefan Zimmer, Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie 59, 2012, 271
  • ‘Mae Nicolas Jacobs a golygyddion y 'Library of Medieval Welsh Literature' yn haeddu ein diolchiadau gwresog am ailagor maes a esgeuluswyd yn rhy hir ac am wneud y corff hwn o farddoniaeth yn fwy hygyrch i fyfyrwyr ac ysgolheigion mwy profiadol fel ei gilydd. [Nicolas Jacobs and the editors of the Library of Medieval Welsh Literature deserve our warmest thanks for reopening a field of study which has been neglected too long and for making this body of poetry more accessible for students and more experienced scholars alike.]’ — Barry James Lewis, Dwned 18, 2012, 99-107