Atkinson, Glynnis M. Cropp in association with John Keith (ed.), Un Dit moral contre Fortune: A critical edition of MS Paris, BnF, fr. 25 418, European Translations, 6 (MHRA, 2018)

Brown, Sarah Annes, and Andrew Taylor (eds), Ovid in English, 1480-1625: Part One: Metamorphoses, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 4 (MHRA, 2013)

Brown, Sarah Annes, and Andrew Taylor (eds), Ovid in English, 1480-1625: Part Two: Poems of Love and Exile, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 4 (MHRA, 3000)

Buckley, Emma, and Edward Paleit (eds), Thomas May, Lucan's Pharsalia (1627), Tudor and Stuart Translations, 18 (MHRA, 2020)

Cropp, Glynnis M. (ed.), Böece de Confort remanié: Edition critique, European Translations, 1 (MHRA, 2011)

Grogan, Jane (ed.), William Barker, Xenophon's 'Cyropædia', Tudor and Stuart Translations, 13 (MHRA, 2020)

Kendal, Gordon (ed.), George Chapman: Homer's Odyssey, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 21 (MHRA, 2016)

Miola, Robert S. (ed.), George Chapman: Homer's Iliad, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 20 (MHRA, 2017)

Schurink, Fred (ed.), Plutarch in English, 1528–1603: Volume 1: Essays, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 2 (MHRA, 2020)

Schurink, Fred (ed.), Plutarch in English, 1528–1603: Volume 2: Lives, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 2 (MHRA, 2020)