Damrau, Peter. 2006. The Reception of English Puritan Literature in Germany, Bithell Series of Dissertations, 29 (MHRA)

Fuller, Amy. 2015. Between Two Worlds: The autos sacramentales of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 100 (MHRA)

Muratori, Cecilia. 2020. Renaissance Vegetarianism: The Philosophical Afterlives of Porphyry’s On Abstinence, Italian Perspectives, 46 (Legenda)

Refini, Eugenio. 2023. Staging the Soul: Allegorical Drama as Spiritual Practice in Baroque Italy, Italian Perspectives, 48 (Legenda)

Faini, Marco. 2023. Standing at the Crossroads: Stories of Doubt in Renaissance Italy, Italian Perspectives, 58 (Legenda)