Cooper, Sara-Louise, Memory Across Borders: Nabokov, Perec, Chamoiseau, Transcript, 6 (Legenda, 2016)

Jacobs, Adriana X., and Claire Williams (eds), After Clarice: Reading Lispector’s Legacy in the Twenty-First Century, Transcript, 14 (Legenda, 2022)

Stevens, Sophie, Uruguayan Theatre in Translation: Theory and Practice, Transcript, 15 (Legenda, 2022)

McKendrick, Jamie, The Foreign Connection: Writings on Poetry, Art and Translation, Transcript, 17 (Legenda, 2020)

Omri, Mohamed-Salah, and Philippe Roussin (eds), Literature, Democracy and Transitional Justice: Comparative World Perspectives, Transcript, 19 (Legenda, 2022)

Arnaldi, Marta, The Diasporic Canon: American Anthologies of Contemporary Italian Poetry 1945-2015, Transcript, 20 (Legenda, 2022)

Loda, Alice, The Translingual Verse: Migration, Rhythm, and Resistance in Contemporary Italophone Poetry, Transcript, 21 (Legenda, 2021)

James, Alison, Akihiro Kubo, and Françoise Lavocat (eds), Can Fiction Change the World?, Transcript, 29 (Legenda, 2023)

Watts, Andrew, Darwinian Dialogues: Adaptation, Evolution, and the Nineteenth-Century Novel, Transcript, 32 (Legenda, 2025)