Juan de Valdés, Diálogo de la lengua
Edited by K. Anipa
Critical Texts 381 December 2014

  • ‘Professor Anipa has produced a skillful linguistic textual analysis and placed it in solid historical context ... All scholars and graduate students in the fields of Spanish linguistics, literature, and history will benefit from this work.’ — Daniel A. Crews, Renaissance Quarterly 69, 2016, 220
  • ‘This diplomatic edition of Juan de Valdés's Dialogo de la Lengua will be of particular interest for Valdesian scholars, but is well worth careful consideration by late medievalists and early modernists working on language and linguistics, geopolitical and cultural exchanges between Italy and Spain, and those exploring the regional tensions in Iberia in terms of cultural, religious and political supremacy.’ — Ana Grinberg, Sixteenth Century Journal XLVII.2, 2016, 481-82

La poética de Lorenzo de Zamora: una apología de la literatura secular
Edited by Ascensión Rivas Hernández
Critical Texts 5524 March 2020

  • ‘This edition will doubtless be of use to scholars of humanist and baroque poetic theory and, more generally, to anyone with an interest in the survival and tradition of classical authors in the Spanish language.’ — Jesús-M. Nieto Ibáñez, Modern Language Review 117.3, July 2022, 507-08 (full text online)
  • ‘Este nuevo volumen de la MHRA Critical Texts, el número 55, contribuirá, sin duda, a ampliar el conocimiento de un autor no demasiado atendido y de una obra que llegará a nuevos lectores a partir de esta cuidada edición, del detallado y explicativo estudio introductorio que la antecede y la bibliografía asimismo completa que aporta.’ — Carina Zubillaga, Bulletin of Spanish Studies February 2022 (full text online)

St Teresa of Ávila: Her Writings and Life
Edited by Terence O'Reilly, Colin Thompson and Lesley Twomey
Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures 1910 September 2018

  • ‘The variety of topics and approaches in these essays, and the erudition and rigour of their authors, ensures that this volume represents an invaluable contribution to scholarship on St Teresa of Avila and will serve as a touchstone for future work on this saint and, more generally, on religious writing in the period.’ — unsigned notice, Forum for Modern Language Studies 55.4, October 2019, 498-99 (full text online)
  • ‘Readers from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds will find this collection fruitful and accessible, and scholars who are unfamiliar with Spanish will find faithful translations... The volume commemorates the five-hundredth anniversary of Teresa’s birth, but its imaginative, far-reaching perspectives on her life and legacy show that there is still ample appetite and space for future Teresian scholarship.’ — Catherine Maguire, Hispanic Research Journal 20.4, 2019, 409-10 (full text online)
  • ‘The contributors [...] deepen our understanding of Teresa by noting previously-overlooked sources and influences and emphasizing her theological contributions, which carry potential relevance in spiritual discussions today. As Thompson notes, in Teresa’s writings we encounter her not as an otherworldly being, but a person to whom modern-day readers can relate. The essays in this volume allow us further access to the human experiences, resultant insights and immediate legacy of one of Spain’s most famous saints.’ — Teresa Hancock-Parmer, Bulletin of Spanish Studies 97.2, 2020, 269-70