The Compositors of the First and Second Madrid Editions of 'Don Quixote'
Robert M. Flores
Publications of the Modern Humanities Research Association 71 January 1975

La poética de Lorenzo de Zamora: una apología de la literatura secular
Edited by Ascensión Rivas Hernández
Critical Texts 5524 March 2020

Narrative and National Allegory in Rómulo Gallegos's Venezuela
Jenni M. Lehtinen
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 8831 January 2013

Configuring Community: Theories of Community Identities in Contemporary Spain
Parvati Nair
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 611 January 2004

The Making of Jorge Luis Borges as an Argentine Cultural Icon
Mariana Casale O'Ryan
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 991 May 2014

James Mabbe: Exemplarie Novells (1640)
Edited by Alexander Samson 
Tudor and Stuart Translations 331 March 2026

Fact and Fiction: Representations of the Asturian Revolution
Sarah Sanchez
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 601 January 2004

Historicist Essays on Hispano-Medieval Narrative in Memory of Roger M. Walker
Edited by Barry Taylor and Geoffrey West
Publications of the Modern Humanities Research Association 161 January 2005

Bodies and Texts: Configurations of Identity in the Works of Albalucía Ángel, Griselda Gambaro, and Laura Esquivel
Claire Taylor
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 591 January 2004

Metáfora del cuerpo en fuga by Ángela Hernández Núñez
Edited by Solymar Torres-García 
Critical Texts 54

Corín Tellado, Thursdays with Leila
Translated by Duncan Wheeler, with an introduction by Diana Holmes and Duncan Wheeler, and a prologue by Mario Vargas Llosa
New Translations 915 November 2016