Madden, Deborah, Matilde de la Torre: Sex, Socialism and Suffrage in Republican Spain, Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures, 56 (Legenda, 2022)

Stevens, Sophie, Uruguayan Theatre in Translation: Theory and Practice, Transcript, 15 (Legenda, 2022)

Boyd, Jade, The Experience of Colour in Lorca's Theatre, Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures, 54 (Legenda, 2022)

Translated, edited by Christopher Colbath, and Luis M. González, Ramón María del Valle Inclán, Savage Comedies, New Translations, 15 (MHRA, 2022)

Robinson, Rachel Elizabeth, Visual and Plastic Poetics: From Brazilian Concretism to the Chilean Neo-Avant-Garde, Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures, 53 (Legenda, 2022)

García, Miguel, Queering Lorca’s Duende: Desire, Death, Intermediality, Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures, 49 (Legenda, 2022)

O’Sullivan, Lucy, Diego Rivera and Juan Rulfo: Post-Revolutionary Body Politics 1922-1965, Visual Culture, 3 (Legenda, 2022)

Bollig, Ben, and David M. J. Wood (eds), The Poetry-Film Nexus in Latin America: Exploring Intermediality on Page and Screen, Moving Image, 11 (Legenda, 2022)