El camino inverso: del cine al teatro: La vida en un hilo, de Edgar Neville y Mi adorado Juan, de Miguel Mihura
Joanna Bardzińska
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 911 May 2014

  • ‘Bardzińska has provided the reader with a wealth of detail and the text will be of interest to scholars of the ‘otra generación’, and of value to those researching Neville, Mihura and/or their works created for screen and stage, as well as those interested in approaches to reverse adaptation more broadly.’ — Rhiannon McGlade, Bulletin of Spanish Studies 94, 2017, 1246-47

Mitos cristianos en la poesía del 27
Rocío Ortuño Casanova
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 961 May 2014

The Making of Jorge Luis Borges as an Argentine Cultural Icon
Mariana Casale O'Ryan
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 991 May 2014