Pyrah, Robert, review of Julia Danielczyk, Selbstinszenierung. Vermarktungs-Strategien des österreichischen Erfolgsdramatikers Hermann Heinz Ortner. (Blickpunkte 8), in The Austrian Lyric, ed. by Judith Beniston and Robert Vilain (= Austrian Studies, 12 (2004)), pp. 298–99, doi:10.2307/27944743

Pyrah, Robert, review of Thomas Weyr, The Setting of the Pearl. Vienna under Hitler, in Austria and France, ed. by Judith Beniston and Robert Vilain (= Austrian Studies, 13 (2005)), pp. 273–75, doi:10.2307/27944787

Pyrah, Robert, ‘The "Enemy Within"? The Social Democratic Kunststelle and the State Theatres in Red Vienna’, in Culture and Politics in Red Vienna, ed. by Judith Beniston and Robert Vilain (= Austrian Studies, 14 (2006)), pp. 143–64, doi:10.2307/27944804

Pyrah, Robert, The Burgtheater and Austrian Identity: Theatre and Cultural Politics in Vienna, 1918-38 (Legenda, 2007)

Pyrah, Robert, and Marius Turda (eds), Re-Contextualising East Central European History: Nation, Culture and Minority Groups (Legenda, 2010)

Pyrah, Robert, review of Kożuchowski, Adam, The Afterlife of Austria-Hungary: The Image of the Habsburg Monarchy in Interwar Europe, in Slavonic and East European Review, 93.2 (2015), pp. 377–79, doi:10.5699/slaveasteurorev2.93.2.0377