Weninger, Robert K., review of Roswitha M. Jauk, Längeres Gedankenspiel und Dystopie: Die Mondfiktion in Arno Schmidts Roman 'Kaff auch Mare Crisium', in Modern Language Review, 98.2 (2003), pp. 516–17, doi:10.2307/3737901

Weninger, Robert K., review of Heinz-Peter Preusser, Letzte Welten: Deutschsprachige Gegenwartsliteratur diesseits und jenseits der Apokalypse, in Modern Language Review, 100.2 (2005), pp. 566–68, doi:10.2307/3737694

Weninger, Robert K., review of Christoph Jürgensen, 'Der Rahmen arbeitet': Paratextuelle Strategien der Lektürelenkung im Werk Arno Schmidts, in Modern Language Review, 104.1 (2009), pp. 274–76, doi:10.2307/20468230

Weninger, Robert K., review of Iannis Goerlandt, Schulen zur Allegorie: Nationale Bilder in Arno Schmidts utopischer Prosa, in Modern Language Review, 104.3 (2009), pp. 919–20, doi:10.2307/25655027

Weninger, Robert K., review of Christian Hein, Literarische Wallfahrt gen Cooperstown: Zur Funktion James Fenimore Coopers und seiner Schriften im Werk Arno Schmidts. (Epistemata: Literaturwissenschaft, 664), in Modern Language Review, 105.4 (2010), pp. 1187–88, doi:10.2307/25801537

Weninger, Robert K., review of Judith Schossböck, Letzte Menschen: Postapokalyptische Narrative und Identitäten in der Neueren Literatur nach 1945, in Modern Language Review, 109.3 (2014), pp. 863–65, doi:10.5699/modelangrevi.109.3.0863

Weninger, Robert K., Sublime Conclusions: Last Man Narratives from Apocalypse to Death of God, Studies In Comparative Literature, 43 (Legenda, 2017)

Weninger, Robert K., ‘List of Illustrations’, in Weninger, Robert K., Sublime Conclusions: Last Man Narratives from Apocalypse to Death of God, Studies In Comparative Literature, 43 (Legenda, 2017), pp. ix–x, doi:10.2307/j.ctv16km0cn.3

Weninger, Robert K., ‘Preface and Acknowledgements’, in Weninger, Robert K., Sublime Conclusions: Last Man Narratives from Apocalypse to Death of God, Studies In Comparative Literature, 43 (Legenda, 2017), pp. xi–xvi, doi:10.2307/j.ctv16km0cn.4

Weninger, Robert K., introduction to , in Weninger, Robert K., Sublime Conclusions: Last Man Narratives from Apocalypse to Death of God, Studies In Comparative Literature, 43 (Legenda, 2017), pp. 1–41, doi:10.2307/j.ctv16km0cn.5

Weninger, Robert K., ‘Chapter 1 Theism 1805: Franz Von Sonnenberg and the Presence of God’, in Weninger, Robert K., Sublime Conclusions: Last Man Narratives from Apocalypse to Death of God, Studies In Comparative Literature, 43 (Legenda, 2017), pp. 42–102, doi:10.2307/j.ctv16km0cn.6

Weninger, Robert K., ‘Chapter 2 From Theism To Deism 1805: Jean-Baptiste Cousin De Grainville and the Absence of God’, in Weninger, Robert K., Sublime Conclusions: Last Man Narratives from Apocalypse to Death of God, Studies In Comparative Literature, 43 (Legenda, 2017), pp. 103–86, doi:10.2307/j.ctv16km0cn.7

Weninger, Robert K., ‘Chapter 3 From Theism To Atheism and Nihilism 1805: the German Romantics and the Death of God’, in Weninger, Robert K., Sublime Conclusions: Last Man Narratives from Apocalypse to Death of God, Studies In Comparative Literature, 43 (Legenda, 2017), pp. 187–251, doi:10.2307/j.ctv16km0cn.8

Weninger, Robert K., ‘Chapter 4 Atheism, Science and Religion 1811/1826: the Shelleys and the Death of Man’, in Weninger, Robert K., Sublime Conclusions: Last Man Narratives from Apocalypse to Death of God, Studies In Comparative Literature, 43 (Legenda, 2017), pp. 252–357, doi:10.2307/j.ctv16km0cn.9

Weninger, Robert K., ‘Chapter 5 “the Earth Void of Man”: Variations On A Theme 1945 and Beyond’, in Weninger, Robert K., Sublime Conclusions: Last Man Narratives from Apocalypse to Death of God, Studies In Comparative Literature, 43 (Legenda, 2017), pp. 358–469, doi:10.2307/j.ctv16km0cn.10

Weninger, Robert K., ‘Sublime (?) Conclusions’, in Weninger, Robert K., Sublime Conclusions: Last Man Narratives from Apocalypse to Death of God, Studies In Comparative Literature, 43 (Legenda, 2017), pp. 470–536, doi:10.2307/j.ctv16km0cn.11

Weninger, Robert K., ‘Bibliography’, in Weninger, Robert K., Sublime Conclusions: Last Man Narratives from Apocalypse to Death of God, Studies In Comparative Literature, 43 (Legenda, 2017), pp. 537–62, doi:10.2307/j.ctv16km0cn.12

Weninger, Robert K., ‘Index’, in Weninger, Robert K., Sublime Conclusions: Last Man Narratives from Apocalypse to Death of God, Studies In Comparative Literature, 43 (Legenda, 2017), pp. 563–74, doi:10.2307/j.ctv16km0cn.13