Chornik, Katia. 2015. Alejo Carpentier and the Musical Text, Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures, 7 (Legenda)

Patti, Emanuela. 2016. Pasolini after Dante: The 'Divine Mimesis' and the Politics of Representation, Italian Perspectives, 35 (Legenda)

Wigelsworth, Amy. 2016. Rewriting Les Mystères de Paris: The Mystères Urbains and the Palimpsest (Legenda)

Rennie, Simon. 2016. The Poetry of Ernest Jones: Myth, Song, and the ‘Mighty Mind’ (Legenda)

Gosetti, Valentina. 2016. Aloysius Bertrand's Gaspard de la Nuit: Beyond the Prose Poem (Legenda)

Boas, Jacob. 2016. Writers' Block: The Paris Antifascist Congress of 1935 (Legenda)

Shingler, Katherine. 2016. The French Art Novel 1900-1930, Research Monographs in French Studies, 43 (Legenda)

Scott, Hannah. 2016. Broken Glass, Broken World: Glass in French Culture in the Aftermath of 1870, Research Monographs in French Studies, 46 (Legenda)

Mooney, Damien. 2016. Southern Regional French: A Linguistic Analysis of Language and Dialect Contact, Research Monographs in French Studies, 47 (Legenda)

Szypula, Ewa. 2016. Balzac's Love Letters: Correspondence and the Literary Imagination, Research Monographs in French Studies, 52 (Legenda)

Bunch, Mads. 2017. Isak Dinesen Reading Søren Kierkegaard: On Christianity, Seduction, Gender, and Repetition, Germanic Literatures, 13 (Legenda)

Dove, Richard. 2017. Foreign Parts: German and Austrian Actors on the British Stage 1933-1960, Germanic Literatures, 15 (Legenda)

Lewis, Philippa. 2017. Intimacy and Distance: Conflicting Cultures in Nineteenth-Century France (Legenda)

Weninger, Robert K.. 2017. Sublime Conclusions: Last Man Narratives from Apocalypse to Death of God, Studies In Comparative Literature, 43 (Legenda)

Murphy, Katharine. 2017. Bodies of Disorder: Gender and Degeneration in Baroja and Blasco Ibáñez, Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures, 26 (Legenda)

Gullotta, Andrea. 2018. Intellectual Life and Literature at Solovki 1923-1930: The Paris of the Northern Concentration Camps (Legenda)

Connolly, Thomas C.. 2018. Paul Celan’s Unfinished Poetics: Readings in the Sous-Oeuvre, Germanic Literatures, 16 (Legenda)

Rees, Kate. 2018. The Journalist in the French Fin-de-siècle Novel: Enfants de la presse (Legenda)

Charlesworth, Michael. 2018. The Modern Culture of Reginald Farrer: Landscape, Literature and Buddhism, Studies In Comparative Literature, 36 (Legenda)

Bootle, Sam. 2018. Laforgue, Philosophy, and Ideas of Otherness, Research Monographs in French Studies, 54 (Legenda)

Grenville, Anthony. 2018. Encounters with Albion: Britain and the British in Texts by Jewish Refugees from Nazism, Germanic Literatures, 17 (Legenda)

ffrench, Patrick. 2018. Thinking Cinema with Proust, Moving Image, 7 (Legenda)

Osti, Clementina. 2018. Utopian Identities: A Cognitive Approach to Literary Competitions, Studies In Comparative Literature, 41 (Legenda)

Whitehead, Claire. 2018. The Poetics of Early Russian Crime Fiction 1860-1917: Deciphering Stories of Detection (Legenda)

Kilbride, L. M.. 2018. Swinburne’s Style: An Experiment in Verse History (Legenda)