Wells, D. A.. 1970. The Vorau 'Moses' and 'Balaam': A Study of Their Relationship to Exegetical Tradition, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 2 (MHRA)

Ross, D. J. A.. 1971. Illustrated Medieval Alexander-Books in Germany and the Netherlands, Publications of the Modern Humanities Research Association, 3 (MHRA)

Marzac, Nicole. 1971. Edition Critique du Sermon 'Qui Manducat Me' de Robert Ciboule (1403-58), MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 4 (MHRA)

Jones, Rosemarie. 1972. The Theme of Love in the 'Romans d'Antiquité', MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 5 (MHRA)

Moleta, Vincent. 1976. The Early Poetry of Guittone d'Arezzo, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 9 (MHRA)

Stone, Louise W., T. B. W. Reid, and William Rothwell (eds). 1977. An Anglo-Norman Dictionary, Publications of the Modern Humanities Research Association, 8 (MHRA)

Mercer, R. G. G.. 1979. The Teaching of Gasparino Barzizza: With Special Reference to his Place in Paduan Humanism, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 10 (MHRA)

Donkin, Enid. 1980. Jean Brisebarre: 'Li Restor du Paon', MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 15 (MHRA)

Powell, Brian. 1983. Epic and Chronicle: The 'Poema de mio Cid' and the 'Crónica de veinte reyes', MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 18 (MHRA)

Knowles, Christine. 1983. Les Enseignements de Théodore Paléologue, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 19 (MHRA)

Corley, Corin F. V.. 1987. The Second Continuation of the Old French Perceval: A Critical and Lexicographical Study, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 24 (MHRA)

Gregory, Stewart. 1990. The Twelfth-Century Psalter Commentary in French for Laurette d'Alsace: Volume One: Psalms I-XXXV, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 29 (MHRA)

Gregory, Stewart. 1990. The Twelfth-Century Psalter Commentary in French for Laurette d'Alsace: Volume Two: Psalms XXXVI-L, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 29 (MHRA)

Gibson, Margaret, T. A. Heslop, and Richard W. Pfaff (eds). 1992. The Eadwine Psalter: Text, Image, and Monastic Culture in Twelfth-Century Canterbury, Publications of the Modern Humanities Research Association, 14 (MHRA)

Gurr, Andrew (ed.). 1992. Medieval Narrative (= Yearbook of English Studies, 22.1)

Chinca, Mark. 1993. History, Fiction, Verisimilitude: Studies in the Poetics of Gottfried's 'Tristan', Bithell Series of Dissertations, 18 (MHRA)

Cerquiglini-Toulet, Jacqueline. 1999. L'écriture testamentaire à la fin du Moyen Age: Identité, dispersion, trace, Special Lecture Series, 3 (Legenda)

Lappin, Anthony. 2000. Berceo's 'Vida de Santa Oria': Text, Translation and Commentary (Legenda)

Everson, Jane, and Diego Zancani (eds). 2000. Italy in Crisis: 1494 (Legenda)

Parkinson, Stephen (ed.). 2000. Cobras e Son: Papers on the Text, Music and Manuscripts of the 'Cantigas de Santa Maria' (Legenda)

Léglu, Catherine. 2000. Between Sequence and Sirventes: Aspects of Parody in the Troubadour Lyric, Research Monographs in French Studies, 8 (Legenda)

Lappin, Anthony. 2002. The Medieval Cult of Saint Dominic of Silos, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 56 (MHRA)

Alfie, Fabian. 2002. Comedy and Culture: Cecco Angiolieri’s Poetry and Late Medieval Society, Italian Perspectives, 8 (Legenda)

Bardell, Matthew (ed.). 2002. La Cort d'Amor: A Critical Edition, Research Monographs in French Studies, 11 (Legenda)

Gibbons, David. 2002. Metaphor in Dante (Legenda)