Furst, Lilian R., review of Michael Hamburger, Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Poems and Verse Plays of Hugo von Hofmannsthal, in Modern Language Review, 58.1 (1963), pp. 140–41, doi:10.2307/3720452

Furst, Lilian R., review of J. R. von Salis, N. K. Cruikshank, Rainer Maria Rilke: The Years in Switzerland. A Contribution to the Biography of Rilke's Life, in Modern Language Review, 60.3 (1965), pp. 474–75, doi:10.2307/3720734

Furst, Lilian R., review of René Wellek, Confrontations. Studies in the Intellectual and Literary Relations between Germany, England, and the United States during the Nineteenth Century, in Modern Language Review, 61.4 (1966), pp. 655–56, doi:10.2307/3724035

Furst, Lilian R., ‘Thomas Mann's Interest in James Joyce’, in Modern Language Review, 64.3 (1969), pp. 605–13, doi:10.2307/3722051