Silva, Ana Cláudia Suriani da, and Sandra Guardini Vasconcelos (eds), Books and Periodicals in Brazil 1768-1930: A Transatlantic Perspective, Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Cultures, 9 (Legenda, 2014)

Ardila, J. A. G. (ed.), The Cervantean Heritage: Reception and Influence of Cervantes in Britain (Legenda, 2008)

Duttlinger, Carolin, Kevin Hilliard, and Charlie Louth (eds), From the Enlightenment to Modernism: Three Centuries of German Literature (Legenda, 2021)

Haase, Jenny, and Joanna Neilly (eds), German Romanticism and Latin America: New Connections in World Literature, Transcript, 23 (Legenda, 2024)

Fronius, Helen, and Anna Richards (eds), German Women's Writing of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries: Future Directions in Feminist Criticism (Legenda, 2011)

Louth, Charlie, and Patrick McGuinness (eds), Gravity and Grace: Essays for Roger Pearson (Legenda, 2019)

Reed, T. J., and Alexander Stillmark (eds), Heine und die Weltliteratur (Legenda, 2000)

Walker, John (ed.), The Present Word: Culture, Society and the Site of Literature (Legenda, 2013)

Vieweg, Klaus, James Vigus, and Kathleen M. Wheeler (eds), Shandean Humour in English and German Literature and Philosophy (Legenda, 2013)

Hühn, Helmut, and James Vigus (eds), Symbol and Intuition: Comparative Studies in Kantian and Romantic-Period Aesthetics (Legenda, 2012)

Atkin, Rhian (ed.), Textual Wanderings: The Theory and Practice of Narrative Digression (Legenda, 2011)