See also the home page of the Legenda book series Legenda (General Series)

Aubert, Nathalie, Pierre-Philippe Fraiture, and Patrick McGuinness (eds). 2007. From Art Nouveau to Surrealism: Belgian Modernity in the Making (Legenda)

Desmarais, Jane, and Alice Condé (eds). 2017. Decadence and the Senses (Legenda)

Haustein, Katja. 2012. Regarding Lost Time: Photography, Identity, and Affect in Proust, Benjamin, and Barthes (Legenda)

Kearns, James. 2007. Théophile Gautier, Orator to the Artists: Art Journalism of the Second Republic (Legenda)

Larkin, Áine. 2011. Proust Writing Photography: Fixing the Fugitive in À la recherche du temps perdu (Legenda)