Fielding, K. J., review of Anne Lohrli, 'Household Words': A Weekly Journal, 1850-1859, Conducted by Charles Dickens. Table of Contents, List of Contributors and Their Contributions, Based on the 'Household Words' Office Book in the Morris L. Parrish Collection of Victorian Novelists, Princeton , in Yearbook of English Studies, 6.1 (1976), pp. 308–10, doi:10.2307/3506476

Fielding, K. J., review of Norman Page, Wilkie: Collins: The Critical Heritage, in Yearbook of English Studies, 6.1 (1976), pp. 318–19, doi:10.2307/3506483

Fielding, K. J., review of Eric Rothstein, Joseph Anthony Wittreich, Jr., Literary Monographs. Volume 7. Thackeray, Hawthorne and Melville, and Dreiser, in Yearbook of English Studies, 7.1 (1977), pp. 288–89, doi:10.2307/3507350

Fielding, K. J., review of Virgil Grillo, Charles Dickens' 'Sketches by Boz': End in the Beginning, in Yearbook of English Studies, 7.1 (1977), pp. 295–96, doi:10.2307/3507356

Fielding, K. J., review of Charles Dickens, Harvey Peter Sucksmith, Little Dorrit, in Literature and Its Audience, II, ed. by G. K. Hunter and C. J. Rawson (= Yearbook of English Studies, 11.1 (1981)), pp. 321–22, doi:10.2307/3506347

Fielding, K. J., review of James A. Davies, John Forster: A Literary Life, in British Poetry since 1945, ed. by C. J. Rawson (= Yearbook of English Studies, 17.1 (1987)), p. 325, doi:10.2307/3507729

Fielding, K. J., review of Rodger L. Tarr, Thomas Carlyle, a Descriptive Bibliography, in Medieval Narrative, ed. by Andrew Gurr (= Yearbook of English Studies, 22.1 (1992)), pp. 324–25, doi:10.2307/3508440

Fielding, K. J., review of Charles Dickens, Graham Storey, Margaret Brown, The Letters of Charles Dickens. Vol. 10. 1862-1864, in Time and Narrative, ed. by Nicola Bradbury (= Yearbook of English Studies, 30.1 (2000)), pp. 330–32, doi:10.2307/3509308