IP 40200pp2018Enza De FrancisciA 'New' Woman in Verga and Pirandello
LGS 2005Catherine O'RaweAuthorial Echoes
IP 552022Richard AndrewsClassical Comedy 1508-1786
LGS 216pp2005ed Guido Bonsaver,
Robert Gordon
Culture, Censorship and the State in Twentieth-Century Italy
IP 26252pp2013ed Paolo Chirumbolo,
John Picchione
Edoardo Sanguineti
IP 292014Katrin Wehling-GiorgiGadda and Beckett
IP 17204pp2007Donatella FischerIl teatro di Eduardo De Filippo
IP 18240pp2009ed Pierpaolo Antonello,
Alan O'Leary
Imagining Terrorism
IP 15282pp2006Lisa SampsonPastoral Drama in Early Modern Italy
IP 7274pp2002Maggie GünsbergPlaying with Gender
T 182022Lucy RayfieldPoetics, Performance and Politics in French and Italian Renaissance Comedy
TD 13180pp1979Judith DaviesThe Realism of Luigi Capuana
LGS 352pp2015ed T. F. Earle,
Catarina Fouto
The Reinvention of Theatre in Sixteenth-Century Europe
IP 482023Eugenio RefiniStaging the Soul
IP 27230pp2013ed Donatella FischerThe Tradition of the Actor-Author in Italian Theatre
LGS 546pp2000ed Letizia PanizzaWomen in Italian Renaissance Culture and Society