Pontiero, Giovanni, ‘The Nineteenth Century’, in The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, Volume 26: Survey Year 1964, The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, 26 (MHRA, 1966), pp. 283–91, doi:10.2307/25831714

Pontiero, Giovanni, ‘The Nineteenth Century’, in The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, Volume 27: Survey Year 1965, The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, 27 (MHRA, 1967), pp. 255–62, doi:10.2307/25831776

Pontiero, Giovanni, ‘Brazilian Language and Literature’, in The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, Volume 28: Survey Year 1966, The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, 28 (MHRA, 1968), pp. 296–304, doi:10.2307/25831838

Pontiero, Giovanni, review of Klaus Müller-Bergh, Asedios a Carpentier, in Modern Language Review, 70.2 (1975), pp. 444–45, doi:10.2307/3724339

Pontiero, Giovanni, review of Richard A. Mazzara, Graciliano Ramos, in Modern Language Review, 71.1 (1976), pp. 205–07, doi:10.2307/3724460

Pontiero, Giovanni, ‘The Disquieting Voyage in Nejar's "Ulysses"’, in Portuguese Studies, 3.1 (1987), pp. 159–70, doi:10.2307/41104844

Pontiero, Giovanni, review of David Brookshaw, Paradise Betrayed: Brazilian Literature of the Indian, in Portuguese Studies, 6.1 (1990), pp. 218–20, doi:10.2307/41104919

Pontiero, Giovanni, and Luft, Lya, ‘A Translation of an Excerpt from Exílio, A Novel by Lya Luft’, in Portuguese Studies, 7.1 (1991), pp. 142–50, doi:10.2307/41104936