1Franz Grillparzer’s Dramatic Heroines: Theatre and Women’s Emancipation in Nineteenth-Century Austria
Matthew McCarthy-Rechowicz
Germanic Literatures 125 May 2018
2Sebald's Bachelors: Queer Resistance and the Unconforming Life
Helen Finch
Germanic Literatures 23 June 2013
3Goethe's Visual World
Pamela Currie
Germanic Literatures 33 June 2013
4German Narratives of Belonging: Writing Generation and Place in the Twenty-First Century
Linda Shortt
Germanic Literatures 48 June 2015
5The Very Late Goethe: Self-Consciousness and the Art of Ageing
Charlotte Lee
Germanic Literatures 523 April 2014
6Women, Emancipation and the German Novel 1871-1910: Protest Fiction in its Cultural Context
Charlotte Woodford
Germanic Literatures 61 November 2014
7Goethe's Poetry and the Philosophy of Nature: Gott und Welt 1798-1827
Regina Sachers
Germanic Literatures 722 July 2015
8Fontane and Cultural Mediation: Translation and Reception in Nineteenth-Century German Literature
Edited by Ritchie Robertson and Michael White
Germanic Literatures 811 September 2015
9Metamorphosis in Modern German Literature: Transforming Bodies, Identities and Affects
Tara Beaney
Germanic Literatures 919 December 2016
10Comedy and Trauma in Germany and Austria after 1945: The Inner Side of Mourning
Stephanie Bird
Germanic Literatures 1019 December 2016
11E.T.A. Hoffmann’s Orient: Romantic Aesthetics and the German Imagination
Joanna Neilly
Germanic Literatures 1119 December 2016
15Foreign Parts: German and Austrian Actors on the British Stage 1933-1960
Richard Dove
Germanic Literatures 1529 September 2017
16Paul Celan’s Unfinished Poetics: Readings in the Sous-Oeuvre
Thomas C. Connolly
Germanic Literatures 1626 February 2018
17Encounters with Albion: Britain and the British in Texts by Jewish Refugees from Nazism
Anthony Grenville
Germanic Literatures 1722 August 2018
18The Law of Poetry: Studies in Hölderlin’s Poetics
Charles Lewis
Germanic Literatures 1823 September 2019
19Georg Hermann: A Writer’s Life
John Craig-Sharples
Germanic Literatures 1928 August 2019
20Alfred Döblin: Monsters, Cyborgs and Berliners 1900-1933
Robert Craig
Germanic Literatures 2010 September 2021
21Confrontational Readings: Literary Neo-Avant-Gardes in Dutch and German
Edited by Inge Arteel, Lars Bernaerts and Olivier Couder
Germanic Literatures 2128 September 2020
22Poetry, Painting, Park: Goethe and Claude Lorrain
Franz R. Kempf
Germanic Literatures 227 January 2020
23Childhood, Memory, and the Nation: Young Lives under Nazism in Contemporary German Culture
Alexandra Lloyd
Germanic Literatures 2328 September 2020
24Affective Spaces: Migration in Scandinavian and German Transnational Narratives
Anja Tröger
Germanic Literatures 2426 July 2021
25Writing Across Time in the Twelfth Century: Historical Distance and Difference in the Kaiserchronik
Christoph J. Pretzer
Germanic Literatures 257 March 2022
26Karoline von Günderrode: Philosophical Romantic
Joanna Raisbeck
Germanic Literatures 268 October 2022
30Stefan George: The Homosexual Imaginary
Peter Morgan 
Germanic Literatures 3029 January 2024