Todd, Christopher, Voltaire's Disciple: Jean François de La Harpe, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 7 (MHRA, 1972)

Green, Anne, Privileged Anonymity: The Writings of Madame de Lafayette, Research Monographs in French Studies, 1 (Legenda, 1996)

Percival, Melissa, The Appearance of Character: Physiognomy and Facial Expression in Eighteenth-Century France, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 47 (MHRA, 1999)

Wygant, Amy, Towards a Cultural Philology: Phèdre and the Construction of 'Racine', Research Monographs in French Studies, 4 (Legenda, 1999)

Bannister, Mark, Condé in Context: Ideological Change in Seventeenth-Century France (Legenda, 2000)

Goodden, Angelica, Diderot and the Body (Legenda, 2001)

McMorran, Will, The Inn and the Traveller: Digressive Topographies in the Early Modern European Novel (Legenda, 2002)

Phillippo, Susanna, Silent Witness: Racine's Non-Verbal Annotations of Euripides, Research Monographs in French Studies, 14 (Legenda, 2003)

Butterworth, Emily, Poisoned Words: Slander and Satire in Early Modern France, Research Monographs in French Studies, 21 (Legenda, 2006)

Cook, Malcolm, Bernardin de Saint-Pierre: A Life of Culture (Legenda, 2006)

Gilby, Emma, Sublime Worlds: Early Modern French Literature (Legenda, 2006)

Connon, Derek, Identity and Transformation in the Plays of Alexis Piron (Legenda, 2007)

Howells, Robin, Regressive Fictions: Graffigny, Rousseau, Bernardin (Legenda, 2007)

Lewis, Ann, Sensibility, Reading and Illustration: Spectacles and Signs in Graffigny, Marivaux and Rousseau (Legenda, 2009)

Crowther, Louise, Diderot and Lessing as Exemplars of a Post-Spinozist Mentality, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 78 (MHRA, 2010)

Fowler, James, The Libertine’s Nemesis: The Prude in Clarissa and the roman libertin (Legenda, 2011)

Moyes, Craig, Furetière's Roman bourgeois and the Problem of Exchange: Titular Economies, Research Monographs in French Studies, 34 (Legenda, 2012)

Darlow, Mark, Dissonance in the Republic of Letters: The Querelle des Gluckistes et des Piccinnistes (Legenda, 2013)

Whiskin, Margaux, Narrative Structure and Philosophical Debates in Tristram Shandy and Jacques le fataliste, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 95 (MHRA, 2014)

Fowler, James, Richardson and the Philosophes (Legenda, 2014)

Weninger, Robert K., Sublime Conclusions: Last Man Narratives from Apocalypse to Death of God, Studies In Comparative Literature, 43 (Legenda, 2017)

Jones, Suzanne, The First English Translations of Molière: Drama in Flux 1663-1732, Transcript, 13 (Legenda, 2020)

Andrews, Richard, Classical Comedy 1508-1786: A Legacy from Italy and France, Italian Perspectives, 55 (Legenda, 2022)