Marzac, Nicole. 1971. Edition Critique du Sermon 'Qui Manducat Me' de Robert Ciboule (1403-58), MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 4 (MHRA)

Jones, Rosemarie. 1972. The Theme of Love in the 'Romans d'Antiquité', MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 5 (MHRA)

Rolfe, Christopher D.. 1972. Saint-Amant and the Theory of 'Ut Pictura Poesis', MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 6 (MHRA)

Todd, Christopher. 1972. Voltaire's Disciple: Jean François de La Harpe, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 7 (MHRA)

Howells, Christina. 1979. Sartre's Theory of Literature, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 14 (MHRA)

Donkin, Enid. 1980. Jean Brisebarre: 'Li Restor du Paon', MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 15 (MHRA)

Courtney, C. P.. 1981. A Bibliography of Editions of the Writings of Benjamin Constant to 1833, Publications of the Modern Humanities Research Association, 10 (MHRA)

Aspley, Keith, David Bellos, and Peter Sharratt (eds). 1982. Myth and Legend in French Literature: Essays in Honour of A. J. Steele, Publications of the Modern Humanities Research Association, 11 (MHRA)

Knowles, Christine. 1983. Les Enseignements de Théodore Paléologue, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 19 (MHRA)

Garfitt, J. S. T.. 1983. The Work and Thought of Jean Grenier (1898-1971), MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 20 (MHRA)

Rawson, C. J. (ed.). 1985. Anglo-French Literary Relations (= Yearbook of English Studies, 15.1)

Ayres-Bennett, Wendy. 1987. Vaugelas and the Development of the French Language, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 23 (MHRA)

Corley, Corin F. V.. 1987. The Second Continuation of the Old French Perceval: A Critical and Lexicographical Study, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 24 (MHRA)

Kearns, James. 1989. Symbolist Landscapes. The Place of Painting in the Poetry and Criticism of Mallarmé and His Circle, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 27 (MHRA)

Gregory, Stewart. 1990. The Twelfth-Century Psalter Commentary in French for Laurette d'Alsace: Volume One: Psalms I-XXXV, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 29 (MHRA)

Gregory, Stewart. 1990. The Twelfth-Century Psalter Commentary in French for Laurette d'Alsace: Volume Two: Psalms XXXVI-L, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 29 (MHRA)

Jordan, Shirley A.. 1994. The Art Criticism of Francis Ponge, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 36 (MHRA)

Hughes, Alex. 1994. Violette Leduc: Mothers, Lovers, and Language, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 37 (MHRA)

Howells, Bernard. 1996. Baudelaire: Individualism, Dandyism and the Philosophy of History (Legenda)

Green, Anne. 1996. Privileged Anonymity: The Writings of Madame de Lafayette, Research Monographs in French Studies, 1 (Legenda)

Schmid, Marion. 1998. Processes of Literary Creation: Flaubert and Proust (Legenda)

Austin, Lloyd James, Bertrand Marchal, and Nicola Luckhurst (eds). 1998. Stéphane Mallarmé. Correspondance: compléments et suppléments, Research Monographs in French Studies, 2 (Legenda)

Kristeva, Julia. 1998. Proust: Questions d'identité, Special Lecture Series, 1 (Legenda)

Percival, Melissa. 1999. The Appearance of Character: Physiognomy and Facial Expression in Eighteenth-Century France, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 47 (MHRA)

Brooks, Peter. 1999. History Painting and Narrative: Delacroix's 'Moments', Special Lecture Series, 2 (Legenda)

Wygant, Amy. 1999. Towards a Cultural Philology: Phèdre and the Construction of 'Racine', Research Monographs in French Studies, 4 (Legenda)

Cox, Fiona. 1999. Aeneas Takes the Metro: The Presence of Virgil in Twentieth-Century French Literature, Studies In Comparative Literature, 3 (Legenda)

Nias, Hilary. 1999. The Artificial Self: The Psychology of Hippolyte Taine (Legenda)

Hiddleston, Janet. 1999. George Sand and Autobiography, Research Monographs in French Studies, 5 (Legenda)

Cerquiglini-Toulet, Jacqueline. 1999. L'écriture testamentaire à la fin du Moyen Age: Identité, dispersion, trace, Special Lecture Series, 3 (Legenda)

Tyers, Meryl. 1999. Critical Fictions: Nerval's Les Illuminés, Research Monographs in French Studies, 3 (Legenda)

Haigh, Sam. 2000. Mapping a Tradition: Francophone Women's Writing from Guadeloupe, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 48 (MHRA)

Munro, Martin. 2000. Shaping and Reshaping the Caribbean: The Work of Aimé Césaire and René Depestre, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 52 (MHRA)

Martin, Alison. 2000. Luce Irigaray and the Question of the Divine, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 53 (MHRA)

Gratton, Johnnie. 2000. Expressivism: The Vicissitudes of a Theory in the Writings of Proust and Barthes, Research Monographs in French Studies, 6 (Legenda)

James, Ian. 2000. Pierre Klossowski: The Persistence of a Name (Legenda)

Goodden, Angelica. 2000. The Backward Look: Memory and the Writing Self in France 1580-1920 (Legenda)

Bannister, Mark. 2000. Condé in Context: Ideological Change in Seventeenth-Century France (Legenda)

Maclachlan, Ian. 2000. Roger Laporte: The Orphic Text (Legenda)

Saint, Nigel. 2000. Marguerite Yourcenar: Reading the Visual, Studies In Comparative Literature, 5 (Legenda)

Anderson, Kirsteen. 2000. Paul Valéry and the Voice of Desire (Legenda)

Léglu, Catherine. 2000. Between Sequence and Sirventes: Aspects of Parody in the Troubadour Lyric, Research Monographs in French Studies, 8 (Legenda)

Goodden, Angelica. 2001. Diderot and the Body (Legenda)

Irigaray, Luce. 2001. Le Partage de la Parole, Special Lecture Series, 4 (Legenda)

Fotiade, Ramona. 2001. Conceptions of the Absurd: From Surrealism to Chestov's and Fondane's Existential Thought (Legenda)

Redfern, Walter. 2001. All Puns Intended: The Verbal Creation of Jean-Pierre Brisset, Research Monographs in French Studies, 9 (Legenda)

Beer, Dan. 2002. Michel Foucault: Form and Power (Legenda)

Hiddleston, J. A. (ed.). 2002. Victor Hugo, romancier de l'abîme: New Studies on Hugo's Novels (Legenda)

Potts, Denys. 2002. Saint-Evremond: A Voice from Exile, Research Monographs in French Studies, 10 (Legenda)

Bardell, Matthew (ed.). 2002. La Cort d'Amor: A Critical Edition, Research Monographs in French Studies, 11 (Legenda)