TD 221986David C. GillespieValentin Rasputin and Soviet Russian Village Prose
BSD 14
TD 28
218pp1989Colin RiordanThe Ethics of Narration
TD 37180pp1994Alex HughesViolette Leduc
BSD 20
TD 41
198pp1995Alexander WeberGünter Grass's Use of Baroque Literature
TD 39196pp1995Irena MaryniakSpirit of the Totem
SICL 3238pp1999Fiona CoxAeneas Takes the Metro
LGS 228pp1999Stephen HenighanAssuming the Light
TD 48244pp2000Sam HaighMapping a Tradition
TD 50248pp2000Josep-Anton FernàndezAnother Country
RMFS 6134pp2000Johnnie GrattonExpressivism
LGS 220pp2000Kathryn CrameriLanguage, the Novelist and National Identity in Post-Franco Catalonia
LGS 284pp2000Ian JamesPierre Klossowski
IP 3208pp2000Rita WilsonSpeculative Identities
LGS 204pp2000Ian MaclachlanRoger Laporte
SICL 5214pp2000Nigel SaintMarguerite Yourcenar
IP 6106pp2000Claudia NocentiniItalo Calvino and the Landscape of Childhood
LGS 276pp2000Dominic MoranQuestions of the Liminal in the Fiction of Julio Cortázar
IP 9210pp2002Jennifer BurnsFragments of Impegno
BSD 26
TD 58
210pp2003Emily JeremiahTroubling Maternity
LGS 252pp2003Karl PossoArtful Seduction
TD 59208pp2004Claire TaylorBodies and Texts
TD 612004Parvati NairConfiguring Community
LGS 2005Catherine O'RaweAuthorial Echoes
IP 10160pp2005Ruth GlynnContesting the Monument
BSD 28
TD 64
176pp2005Morwenna SymonsRoom for Manoeuvre