LGS 250pp2008Stephen KiteAdrian Stokes
SICL 202010Giles WhiteleyAestheticism and the Philosophy of Death
LGS 2013Lucia AielloAfter Reception Theory
LGS 2015Sara LyonsAlgernon Swinburne and Walter Pater
LGS 286pp1999Patrick BridgwaterAnglo-German Interactions in the Literature of the 1890s
CT 672019ed Judy A. Hayden,
Daniel J. Worden
Aphra Behn's Emperor of the Moon and its French Source Arlequin, Empereur dans la lune
SICL 232011Catherine BrownThe Art of Comparison
CT 42
JT 3
2017ed Chris Baldick,
Jane Desmarais
Arthur Symons, Selected Early Poems
CT 39
JT 2
2017ed Nicholas FreemanArthur Symons, Spiritual Adventures
YES 40.1/22010ed Stefano Evangelista,
Catherine Maxwell
The Arts in Victorian Literature
YES 502020ed Paul PoplawskiBack to the Twenties
ET 52019ed Barbara BurnsBertha von Suttner, Lay Down Your Arms: The Autobiography of Martha von Tilling
SICL 1542pp1997S. S. PrawerBreeches and Metaphysics
SE 92020David TrotterBrute Meaning
LGS 288pp2008ed J. A. G. ArdilaThe Cervantean Heritage
LGS 204pp2012Catherine CrimpChildhood as Memory, Myth and Metaphor
YES 322002ed Karin Lesnik-ObersteinChildren in Literature
LGS 2017ed Ita Mac Carthy, Kirsti Sellevold,
Olivia Smith
Cognitive Confusions
SICL 272019Joep LeerssenComparative Literature in Britain
LGS 156pp2009S. S. PrawerA Cultural Citizen of the World
T 322025Andrew WattsDarwinian Dialogues
LGS 2017ed Jane Desmarais,
Alice Condé
Decadence and the Senses
CT 78
JT 10
2022ed Sasha Dovzhyk,
Simon Wilson
Decadent Writings of Aubrey Beardsley
CT 53
JT 4
2018ed Dennis DenisoffDecadent and Occult Works by Arthur Machen
LGS 2010José Luis VenegasDecolonizing Modernism