Renton, Linda. 2002. Pinter and the Object of Desire: An Approach through the Screenplays (Legenda)

Bangert, Axel, Robert S. C. Gordon, and Libby Saxton (eds). 2013. Holocaust Intersections: Genocide and Visual Culture at the New Millennium, Moving Image, 4 (Legenda)

Bonsaver, Guido, Alessandro Carlucci, and Matthew Reza (eds). 2019. Italy and the USA: Cultural Change Through Language and Narrative, Italian Perspectives, 44 (Legenda)

Trotter, David. 2020. Brute Meaning: Essays in Materialist Criticism from Dickens to Hitchcock, Selected Essays, 9 (Legenda)

Panteli, Georgia. 2022. From Puppet to Cyborg: Pinocchio’s Posthuman Journey, Studies In Comparative Literature, 40 (Legenda)