Brown, Hilary (ed.), Luise Gottsched, Der Lockenraub/Alexander Pope, The Rape of the Lock, European Translations, 2 (MHRA, 2014)

Wehling-Giorgi, Katrin, Gadda and Beckett: Storytelling, Subjectivity and Fracture, Italian Perspectives, 29 (Legenda, 2014)

Østermark-Johansen, Lene (ed.), Walter Pater: Imaginary Portraits, Critical Texts, 35 (MHRA, 2014)

Fowler, James, Richardson and the Philosophes (Legenda, 2014)

Whiskin, Margaux, Narrative Structure and Philosophical Debates in Tristram Shandy and Jacques le fataliste, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 95 (MHRA, 2014)

Boro, Joyce (ed.), Margaret Tyler, Mirror of Princely Deeds and Knighthood, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 11 (MHRA, 2014)

Sumillera, Rocío G. (ed.), Richard Carew, The Examination of Men's Wits, Tudor and Stuart Translations, 17 (MHRA, 2014)

Loughnane, Rory, Andrew J. Power, and Peter Sillitoe (eds), Caroline Literature (= Yearbook of English Studies, 44.1 (2014))