4Edition Critique du Sermon 'Qui Manducat Me' de Robert Ciboule (1403-58)
Nicole Marzac
MHRA Texts and Dissertations 4
14The Eadwine Psalter: Text, Image, and Monastic Culture in Twelfth-Century Canterbury
Edited by Margaret Gibson, T. A. Heslop, and Richard W. Pfaff
Publications of the Modern Humanities Research Association 14
21The Correspondence of Edward Gordon Craig and Count Harry Kessler, 1903-1937
Edited by L. M. Newman
Bithell Series of Dissertations 21 / MHRA Texts and Dissertations 43
11La Cort d'Amor: A Critical Edition
Edited by Matthew Bardell
Research Monographs in French Studies 11
The Sentinel: An Incomplete Early Novel by Rebecca West
Edited by Kathryn Laing
Legenda (General Series)
18Two Old French Satires on the Power of the Keys: L'Escommeniement au lecheor and Le Pardon de foutre
Edited by Daron Burrows
Research Monographs in French Studies 18
1Odilon Redon: Écrits
Edited by Claire Moran
Critical Texts 1
2Les Paraboles Maistre Alain en Françoys
Edited by Tony Hunt
Critical Texts 2
3Letzte Chancen: Vier Einakter von Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
Edited by Susanne Kord
Critical Texts 3
4Macht des Weibes: Zwei historische Tragödien von Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
Edited by Susanne Kord
Critical Texts 4
7La Disme de Penitanche by Jehan de Journi
Edited by Glynn Hesketh
Critical Texts 7
5A Critical Edition of La tribu indienne; ou, Édouard et Stellina by Lucien Bonaparte
Edited by Cecilia Feilla
Critical Texts 5
10La Peyrouse dans l’Isle de Tahiti, ou le Danger des Présomptions: Drame politique
Edited by John Dunmore
Critical Texts 10
8François II, roi de France
Edited by Thomas Wynn
Critical Texts 8
6Dante Alighieri: Four Political Letters
Translated and with a commentary by Claire E. Honess
Critical Texts 6
12La Devineresse ou les faux enchantemens
Édition présentée, établie, et annotée par Julia Prest
Critical Texts 12
15Ovide du remede d'amours
Edited by Tony Hunt
Critical Texts 15
11Casimir Britannicus: English Translations, Paraphrases, and Emulations of the Poetry of Maciej Kazimierz Sarbiewski
Edited by Piotr Urbański and Krzysztof Fordoński
Critical Texts 11
13Phosphorus Hollunder und Der Posten der Frau von Louise von François
Edited by Barbara Burns
Critical Texts 13
16Angelo Beolco (il Ruzante), La prima oratione
Edited by Linda L. Carroll
Critical Texts 16
20Evariste-Désiré de Parny, Le Paradis perdu
Edited by Ritchie Robertson and Catriona Seth
Critical Texts 20
9Istoire de la Chastelaine du Vergier
Edited by Jean-François Kosta-Théfaine
Critical Texts 9
17Richard Robinson, The Rewarde of Wickednesse
Edited by Allyna E. Ward
Critical Texts 17
22Louis-Charles Fougeret de Monbron, Le Cosmopolite, ou le citoyen du monde (1750)
Edited by Édouard Langille
Critical Texts 22
14Le Gouvernement présent, ou éloge de son Eminence, satyre ou la Miliade
Edited by Paul Scott
Critical Texts 14
21Stéphanie de Genlis, ‘Histoire de la duchesse de C***’
Edited by Mary S. Trouille
Critical Texts 21
24Narcisse Berchère, Le Désert de Suez: cinq mois dans l'Isthme
Edited by Barbara Wright
Critical Texts 24
18Henry Crabb Robinson, Essays on Kant, Schelling, and German Aesthetics
Edited by James Vigus
Critical Texts 18
25Casimir Britannicus: English Translations, Paraphrases, and Emulations of the Poetry of Maciej Kazimierz Sarbiewski
Edited by Piotr Urbański and Krzysztof Fordoński
Critical Texts 25
1Monvel, Les Victimes cloîtrées
Edited by Sophie Marchand
Phoenix 1
27Aza ou le Nègre
Edited by Loïc Thommeret
Critical Texts 27
2Alexis Piron, L’Antre de Trophonius et La Robe de dissention, ou le faux-prodige
Edited by Derek Connon
Phoenix 2
3Delisle de Sales, Théâtre d'amour and Baculard d’Arnaud, L’Art de foutre, ou Paris foutant
Edited by Thomas Wynn
Phoenix 3
4Laya, L'Ami des lois
Edited by Mark Darlow and Yann Robert
Phoenix 4
1Early Welsh Gnomic and Nature Poetry
Edited by Nicolas Jacobs
MHRA Library of Medieval Welsh Literature 1
36Joséphine de Monbart, Lettres tahitiennes
Edited by Laure Marcellesi
Critical Texts 36
2Historical Texts from Medieval Wales
Edited by Patricia Williams
MHRA Library of Medieval Welsh Literature 2
37C. E. Boniface, Relation du naufrage de L’Eole sur la côte de la Caffrerie, en avril 1829
Edited by D. J. Culpin
Critical Texts 37
31Les Costeaux, ou les marquis frians, by Jean Donneau de Visé
Edited by Peter William Shoemaker
Critical Texts 31
5Baron, Le Rendez-vous des Tuileries, ou Le Coquet trompé
Edited by Jeanne-Marie Hostiou
Phoenix 5
44Albert Aubert, Du Spiritualisme et de quelques-unes de ses conséquences
Edited by Barbara Wright
Critical Texts 44
41Antonio Malatesti, La Tina. Equivoci rusticali
Edited by Davide Messina
Critical Texts 41
35Walter Pater: Imaginary Portraits
Edited by Lene Østermark-Johansen
Critical Texts 35 / Jewelled Tortoise 1
33Nicolas Edme Rétif de la Bretonne's Ingénue Saxancour
Edited by Mary S. Trouille
Critical Texts 33
26Eugénie et Mathilde by Madame de Souza
Edited by Kirsty Carpenter
Critical Texts 26
6Le Siège de Calais by Pierre-Laurent De Belloy
Edited by Logan J. Connors
Phoenix 6
3A Selection of Early Welsh Saga Poems
Edited by Jenny Rowland
MHRA Library of Medieval Welsh Literature 3
38Juan de Valdés, Diálogo de la lengua
Edited by K. Anipa
Critical Texts 38
7Christophe Colomb par Népomucène Louis Lemercier
Edited by Vincenzo De Santis
Phoenix 7
40Alfonso X the Learned, Cantigas de Santa Maria
Edited by Stephen Parkinson
Critical Texts 40
29Edward Kimber, The Happy Orphans
Edited by Jan Herman and Beatrijs Vanacker
Critical Texts 29
30Lodovico Dolce, Dialogo della instituzion delle donne secondo li tre stati che cadono nella vita umana (1545)
Edited by Helena Sanson
Critical Texts 30
43Agostino Valier, Instituzione d'ogni stato lodevole delle donne cristiane
Edited by Francesco Lucioli
Critical Texts 43
49Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, Voyage en Normandie
Edited by Malcolm Cook
Critical Texts 49
8Michel-Jean Sedaine: Maillard, ou Paris sauvé et Raimond V, comte de Toulouse
Edited by John Dunkley
Phoenix 8
47William Webbe, A Discourse of English Poetry (1586)
Edited by Sonia Hernández-Santano
Critical Texts 47
57Alexis Piron, Gustave-Wasa
Edited by Derek Connon
Critical Texts 57
46Abraham Fraunce, The Shepherds' Logic and Other Dialectical Writings
Edited by Zenón Luis-Martínez
Critical Texts 46
51La Voie de Povreté et de Richesse
Edited by Glynnis M. Cropp
Critical Texts 51
61Gabriel-Marie Legouvé, La Mort d'Abel
Edited by Paola Perazzolo
Critical Texts 61
John Ruskin's Continental Tour 1835: The Written Records and Drawings
Edited by Keith Hanley and Caroline S. Hull
Legenda (General Series)
39Arthur Symons, Spiritual Adventures
Edited by Nicholas Freeman
Critical Texts 39 / Jewelled Tortoise 2
34Les Veuves créoles
Edited by Julia Prest
Critical Texts 34
42Arthur Symons, Selected Early Poems
Edited by Chris Baldick and Jane Desmarais
Critical Texts 42 / Jewelled Tortoise 3
58Commemorating Mirabeau: Mirabeau aux Champs-Elysées and other texts
Edited by Jessica Goodman
Critical Texts 58
50‘Noa Noa’ by Paul Gauguin and Charles Morice: With ‘Manuscrit tiré du “Livre des métiers” de Vehbi-Zumbul Zadi’ by Paul Gauguin
Edited by Claire Moran
Critical Texts 50
63Michel-Jean Sedaine: Théâtre de la Révolution
Edited by Mark Darlow
Critical Texts 63
59Eliza Haywood, The Fortunate Foundlings
Edited by Carol Stewart
Critical Texts 59
53Decadent and Occult Works by Arthur Machen
Edited by Dennis Denisoff
Critical Texts 53 / Jewelled Tortoise 4
62The Blind Bow-Boy by Carl Van Vechten
Edited by Kirsten MacLeod
Critical Texts 62
60La Belle Dame qui eust mercy and Le Dialogue d'amoureux et de sa dame: A Critical Edition and English Translation of Two Anonymous Late-Medieval French Amorous Debate Poems
Edited by Joan Grenier-Winther
Critical Texts 60
48Isabella Sori, Ammaestramenti e ricordi
Edited by Helena Sanson
Critical Texts 48
56Francisco Delicado, Retrato de la Loçana andaluza: Estudio y edición crítica
Edited by Rocío Díaz Bravo
Critical Texts 56
65Marmontel and Demoustier, Le Misanthrope corrigé: Two Eighteenth-Century Sequels to Molière’s ‘Le Misanthrope’
Edited by Joseph Harris
Critical Texts 65
67Aphra Behn's Emperor of the Moon and its French Source Arlequin, Empereur dans la lune
Edited by Judy A. Hayden and Daniel J. Worden
Critical Texts 67
4Arthur in Early Welsh Poetry
Edited by Nerys Ann Jones
MHRA Library of Medieval Welsh Literature 4
55La poética de Lorenzo de Zamora: una apología de la literatura secular
Edited by Ascensión Rivas Hernández
Critical Texts 55
5Hystoria Gweryddon yr Almaen: The Middle Welsh Life of St Ursula and the 11,000 Virgins
Edited by Jane Cartwright
MHRA Library of Medieval Welsh Literature 5
69Louis Sébastien Mercier, Comment fonder la morale du peuple: Traité d’éducation pour l’avènement d’une société nouvelle
Edited and translated by Geneviève Boucher and Michael J. Mulryan
Critical Texts 69
71Hubert Crackanthorpe: Selected Writings
Edited by William Greenslade and Emanuela Ettorre
Critical Texts 71 / Jewelled Tortoise 7
6Delw y Byd: A Medieval Welsh Encyclopedia
Edited by Natalia I. Petrovskaia
MHRA Library of Medieval Welsh Literature 6
68Life and Death on the Plantations: Selected Jesuit Letters from the Caribbean
Edited and translated by Michael Harrigan
Critical Texts 68
24André Chénier: Poetry and Revolution 1792-1794
David McCallam
Transcript 24
70Mathilde Blind: Selected Fin-de-Siècle Poetry and Prose
Edited by James Diedrick
Critical Texts 70 / Jewelled Tortoise 6
64Francisco Nieva: Coronada y el toro
Edited by Komla Aggor
Critical Texts 64
80The Pen and the Needle: Rousseau & the Enlightenment Debate on Women’s Education
Edited by Joanna M. Barker
Critical Texts 80
72Michael Field, For That Moment Only and Other Prose Works
Edited by Alex Murray and Sarah Parker
Critical Texts 72 / Jewelled Tortoise 8
76La Découverte de l’île Frivole by Gabriel-François Coyer
A Bilingual Edition by Jean-Alexandre Perras
Critical Texts 76
78Decadent Writings of Aubrey Beardsley
Edited by Sasha Dovzhyk and Simon Wilson
Critical Texts 78 / Jewelled Tortoise 10
84Alexis Piron, Le Claperman and L’Âne d’or
Edited by Derek Connon
Critical Texts 84
82Louis-Sébastien Mercier, Le Vieillard et ses trois filles and Timon d’Athènes: Two Shakespeare Adaptations
Edited by Joseph Harris
Critical Texts 82
28Alexis Piron, Fernand-Cortés
Translated by Derek Connon 
Critical Texts 28