Poole, William, and Richard Scholar (eds), Thinking with Shakespeare: Comparative and Interdisciplinary Essays (Legenda, 2007)

Connon, Derek, Identity and Transformation in the Plays of Alexis Piron (Legenda, 2007)

Pyrah, Robert, The Burgtheater and Austrian Identity: Theatre and Cultural Politics in Vienna, 1918-38 (Legenda, 2007)

Hall, Edith, and Amanda Wrigley (eds), Aristophanes in Performance 421 BC-AD 2007: Peace, Birds, and Frogs (Legenda, 2007)

présentée, Édition, établie, and et annotée par Julia Prest, La Devineresse ou les faux enchantemens, Critical Texts, 12 (MHRA, 2007)

Fischer, Donatella, Il teatro di Eduardo De Filippo: La crisi della famiglia patriarcale, Italian Perspectives, 17 (Legenda, 2007)