Catani, Damian, ‘Visual and Textual Synergy in Stéphane Mallarmé’, in Image and Word: Reflections of Art and Literature, ed. by Antonella Braida and Giuliana Pieri (Legenda, 2003), pp. 190–205, doi:

Catani, Damian, review of Hannah Thompson, New Approaches to Zola: Selected Papers from the 2002 Cambridge Centenary Colloquium, in Modern Language Review, 101.2 (2006), pp. 540–41, doi:10.2307/20466834

Catani, Damian, ‘Notions of Evil in Baudelaire’, in Modern Language Review, 102.4 (2007), pp. 990–1007, doi:10.2307/20467546

Catani, Damian, review of Steve Murphy, Logiques du dernier Baudelaire: Lectures du 'Spleen de Paris', in Modern Language Review, 103.3 (2008), pp. 860–61, doi:10.2307/20467962

Catani, Damian, review of Shun-Liang Chao, Rethinking the Concept of the Grotesque: Crashaw, Baudelaire, Magritte, in Modern Language Review, 106.4 (2011), pp. 1129–31, doi:10.5699/modelangrevi.106.4.1129

Catani, Damian, ‘9 Rediscovering Beckford’s “Satiric Gravity”: Mallarmé’s Rehabilitation of the “French” Vathek’, in Gravity and Grace: Essays for Roger Pearson, ed. by Charlie Louth and Patrick McGuinness (Legenda, 2019), pp. 112–29, doi:10.2307/j.ctv16km193.13