Jordan, Shirley A.. 1994. The Art Criticism of Francis Ponge, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 36 (MHRA)

Hughes, Alex. 1994. Violette Leduc: Mothers, Lovers, and Language, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 37 (MHRA)

Weber, Alexander. 1995. Günter Grass's Use of Baroque Literature, Bithell Series of Dissertations, 20 (MHRA)

Maryniak, Irena. 1995. Spirit of the Totem: Religion and Myth in Soviet Fiction 1964-1988, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 39 (MHRA)

Wing, Helen. 1995. The Dialectics of Faith in the Poetry of José Bergamín, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 42 (MHRA)

London, John. 1997. Reception and Renewal in Modern Spanish Theatre: 1939-1963, MHRA Texts and Dissertations, 45 (MHRA)

Cox, Fiona. 1999. Aeneas Takes the Metro: The Presence of Virgil in Twentieth-Century French Literature, Studies In Comparative Literature, 3 (Legenda)

Henighan, Stephen. 1999. Assuming the Light: The Parisian Literary Apprenticeship of Miguel Angel Asturias (Legenda)