Gill, Austin, review of Carl Paul Barbier, Documents Stéphane Mallarmé, VI, in Modern Language Review, 74.1 (1979), pp. 212–14, doi:10.2307/3726974

Gill, Austin, review of Henri Mondor, Lloyd James Austin, Stéphane Mallarmé: Correspondance IV, 1890-1891, in Modern Language Review, 71.3 (1976), pp. 680–85, doi:10.2307/3725804

Gill, Austin, review of Lawrence A. Joseph, Henri Cazalis, sa vie, son œuvre, son amitié avec Mallarmé, in Modern Language Review, 70.2 (1975), pp. 428–29, doi:10.2307/3724326

Gill, Austin, review of Stéphane Mallarmé: Correspondance III (1886-1889), in Modern Language Review, 67.3 (1972), pp. 647–55, doi:10.2307/3726154

Gill, Austin, review of A. R. Chisholm, Mallarmé's 'Grand Œuvre', in Modern Language Review, 58.1 (1963), pp. 122–23, doi:10.2307/3720438

Gill, Austin, review of Monique Parent, Francis Jammes: Étude de Langue et de Style, in Modern Language Review, 54.2 (1959), pp. 282–84, doi:10.2307/3720244

Gill, Austin, review of Lloyd James Austin, L'Univers poétique de Baudelaire, in Modern Language Review, 53.1 (1958), pp. 122–24, doi:10.2307/3718156

Gill, Austin, review of Sven Andersson, Études sur la syntaxe et la sémantique du mot français tout, in Modern Language Review, 52.1 (1957), p. 111, doi:10.2307/3719885

Gill, Austin, ‘From "Quand l'ombre menaça" to "Au seul souci de voyager": Mallarmé's Debt to Chateaubriand’, in Modern Language Review, 50.4 (1955), pp. 414–32, doi:10.2307/3719275

Gill, Austin, review of Stephen Ullmann, The Principles of Semantics, in Modern Language Review, 48.2 (1953), pp. 207–09, doi:10.2307/3719835

Gill, Austin, review of Gardner Davies, Les 'Tombeaux' de Mallarmé, in Modern Language Review, 46.2 (1951), pp. 276–80, doi:10.2307/3718586

Gill, Austin, review of W. G. Moore, Molière, in Modern Language Review, 46.1 (1951), pp. 107–11, doi:10.2307/3719568

Gill, Austin, review of Henri Mondor, Histoire d'un Faune, in Modern Language Review, 45.2 (1950), pp. 263–65, doi:10.2307/3719466