Bardazzi, Adele, Francesco Giusti, and Emanuela Tandello (eds), A Gaping Wound: Mourning in Italian Poetry, Italian Perspectives, 54 (Legenda, 2022)

Watt, Adam, Labours of Attention: Work, Class and Society in French and Francophone Literature and Culture (Legenda, 2022)

Goodman, Jessica (ed.), Last Scene of All: Representing Death on the Western Stage (Legenda, 2022)

Bollig, Ben, and David M. J. Wood (eds), The Poetry-Film Nexus in Latin America: Exploring Intermediality on Page and Screen, Moving Image, 11 (Legenda, 2022)

Jacobs, Adriana X., and Claire Williams (eds), After Clarice: Reading Lispector’s Legacy in the Twenty-First Century, Transcript, 14 (Legenda, 2022)

Omri, Mohamed-Salah, and Philippe Roussin (eds), Literature, Democracy and Transitional Justice: Comparative World Perspectives, Transcript, 19 (Legenda, 2022)

Corso, Simona, Florian Mussgnug, and Jennifer Rushworth (eds), Dwelling on Grief: Narratives of Mourning Across Time and Forms, Transcript, 22 (Legenda, 2022)