Holmes, Deborah, and Lisa Silverman (eds). 2017. Jews, Jewish Difference and Austrian Culture: Literary and Historical Perspectives (= Austrian Studies, 24)

Prest, Julia (ed.). 2017. Les Veuves créoles, Critical Texts, 34 (MHRA)

Freeman, Nicholas (ed.). 2017. Arthur Symons, Spiritual Adventures, Critical Texts, 39 (MHRA)

Moran, Claire (ed.). 2017. ‘Noa Noa’ by Paul Gauguin and Charles Morice: With ‘Manuscrit tiré du “Livre des métiers” de Vehbi-Zumbul Zadi’ by Paul Gauguin, Critical Texts, 50 (MHRA)

Goodman, Jessica (ed.). 2017. Commemorating Mirabeau: Mirabeau aux Champs-Elysées and other texts, Critical Texts, 58 (MHRA)

Darlow, Mark (ed.). 2017. Michel-Jean Sedaine: Théâtre de la Révolution, Critical Texts, 63 (MHRA)

Bunch, Mads. 2017. Isak Dinesen Reading Søren Kierkegaard: On Christianity, Seduction, Gender, and Repetition, Germanic Literatures, 13 (Legenda)

Dove, Richard. 2017. Foreign Parts: German and Austrian Actors on the British Stage 1933-1960, Germanic Literatures, 15 (Legenda)

Bru, Sascha, Luca Somigli, and Bart Van den Bossche (eds). 2017. Futurism: A Microhistory, Italian Perspectives, 36 (Legenda)

Baldick, Chris, and Jane Desmarais (eds). 2017. Arthur Symons, Selected Early Poems, Critical Texts, 42 (MHRA)

Desmarais, Jane, and Alice Condé (eds). 2017. Decadence and the Senses (Legenda)

Butterfield, Ardis, Henry Hope, and Pauline Souleau (eds). 2017. Performing Medieval Text (Legenda)

Carthy, Ita Mac, Kirsti Sellevold, and Olivia Smith (eds). 2017. Cognitive Confusions: Dreams, Delusions and Illusions in Early Modern Culture (Legenda)

McGuinness, Patrick, and Emily McLaughlin (eds). 2017. The Made and the Found: Essays, Prose and Poetry in Honour of Michael Sheringham (Legenda)

Fraser, Duncan, and Andrew Hadfield (eds). 2017. Gentry Life in Georgian Ireland: The Letters of Edmund Spencer (1711-1790) (Legenda)

Bonsaver, Guido, Brian Richardson, and Giuseppe Stellardi (eds). 2017. Cultural Reception, Translation and Transformation from Medieval to Modern Italy: Essays in Honour of Martin McLaughlin (Legenda)

Lewis, Philippa. 2017. Intimacy and Distance: Conflicting Cultures in Nineteenth-Century France (Legenda)

Armstrong, Adrian, and Elsa Strietman (eds). 2017. The Multilingual Muse: Transcultural Poetics in the Burgundian Netherlands (Legenda)

Barnet, Marie-Claire (ed.). 2017. Agnès Varda Unlimited: Image, Music, Media, Moving Image, 6 (Legenda)

Watt, Calum. 2017. Blanchot and the Moving Image: Fascination and Spectatorship, Moving Image, 8 (Legenda)

Modern Language Review, 112.1

Modern Language Review, 112.2

Modern Language Review, 112.3

Modern Language Review, 112.4

Portuguese Studies, 33.1